The most iconic Twilight scene was also the biggest challenge

The most iconic Twilight scene was also the biggest challenge for the actors – startefacts

Even vampires have endured frostbite and bruises.

The premiere of “Twilight” took place in 2008, and at that time no one could have imagined how popular it would become in the future.

One of the most famous and recognizable scenes is still the baseball game, but few people know that it was the most difficult for the actors.

Although the scene was only about two minutes long, the actors had worked hard to film it for a long time. The cast worked with a baseball consultant, which brought them much closer together.

The actors all had varying levels of baseball proficiency, but in the end they had to move so confidently that their movements resembled those of a cat.

The weather didn’t help either. The scene was shot in cold and humid conditions. Director Catherine Hardwicke said:

“We shot in the winter because that’s when it’s the cloudiest. We couldn’t have a bright sun because then the vampires would have to sparkle. We didn’t want them to be glittery all the time, we couldn’t afford that.”

The camera filmed a huge area in 360° and there shouldn’t be any additional buildings on the set. Therefore, the actors were left with no choice but to freeze.

They had to travel long distances to go to the toilet or have a cup of tea. In addition, the shoot, which was supposed to last four days, ended up taking a week and a half.

According to the cast, filming the scene was physically demanding and actress Nikki Reed, who played Rosalie, admitted she suffered a lot of bruises:

“We had to attach pads to all our bums and shins and everything. But I’m really committed to such things. I’ve never been afraid to do any real physical activity and I think I just did some really hard jumps.”

When “Twilight” premiered, there was no certainty that the young adult novel would come to life and become popular on the big screen.

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson were virtually unknown, and director Catherine Hardwicke had little time to make the film and a budget of $37 million, relatively low for the genre.

But against all odds, “Twilight” has achieved unprecedented popularity and is forever entrenched in popular culture, thanks in part to scenes as iconic as the baseball game.

Source: Insiders