1687796306 Begonias pruning is very important how to do it right

Begonias, pruning is very important: how to do it right Orizzontenergia

Correct begonia pruning is really important. So let’s see what to do to avoid mistakes.

how to care for begonias Begonias under the sun – Pixabay – OrizzontEnergia.it

Beautiful and capable convey the portion of good mood that we need To better face the day, let’s talk about begonias. Its color is so vibrant, especially when enhanced by sunlight, as well as the almost fleshy consistency of all its components, from the leaves to the bud. But everything is achieved with effort. To have enchanting begonias one must be aware of the care they need and the result will be surprising.

Next to the question about pruning – what we will see better in the sequel – in detail it is necessary to remove the withered flowers and stems so that the plant recovers all its energy, useful for the growth of new shoots. In addition to cutting the dry leaves clearly, this way you always have a clean, beautiful and healthy look.

Begonias, discover the perfect pruning

The best cutting secrets Cutting Accessories – Pixabay – OrizzontEnergia.it

Now let’s go into detail, we can say that first of all Each season requires a specific pruning For example, when it comes to begonias, let’s start with, “come on.” warm climate. Therefore, spring is the preferred time to prune this plant. When it gets cold, you need to prune the plants in the fall.

In summer, begonias find support in development and growth, although some manage to bloom year-round. If we live in areas prone to cold winters, you need to know that your job is to bring your plants indoors because temperatures below 10ºC can endanger your begonias.

In order to be able to make a good and safe cut, a previous cut is necessary sterilize garden tools, This way you avoid possible infections. To make this process quick and easy, just grab a clean rag with alcohol on it. The stems of the begonias must then be cut off at an angle of 45 degrees, this will give the plants the strength to grow quickly.

Prune begonias clean scissors – Pixabay – OrizzontEnergia.it

In general, all types of begonias require pruning, although some varieties require this intervention several times a year; This is the case, for example, with Begonia x tuberhybrida “Nonstop Series” or “Pendula Series”. In fact, they need to be trimmed more often. Be careful.