1687797757 PHOTOS Quebec smog health expects improvement tonight

[PHOTOS] Quebec smog: health expects improvement tonight

The health department of the CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale forecasts an improvement in air quality throughout the day. The city of Quebec has played it safe and is asking day camps to reduce outdoor activities.

• Also read: Bad air quality: Quebec under a cloud of smoke

• Also read: Weather: a week of rain in Quebec

• Also read: Poor Air Quality: Montreal’s air quality is improving, but the smoke is still there

“We expect air quality to return to normal tonight,” said Dr. Philippe Robert, specialist in public health at the CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale.

[PHOTOS]    Smog in Quebec: Public Health expected to improve tonight

Diane Tremblay

Despite the intense smog episode observed on Sunday, there appears to have been no significant increase in consultations for health issues related to air quality in the Quebec region so far.

[PHOTOS]    Smog in Quebec: Public Health expected to improve tonight

Photo Marcel Tremblay

“We monitor the data daily. For yesterday (Sunday) we saw no increase in calls to Info-Santé, emergency visits, ambulance transport, nothing significant. We will see that in the next few days.”

[PHOTOS]    Smog in Quebec: Public Health expected to improve tonight

Photo Marcel Tremblay

“But if it’s just 24 or 48 hours, you don’t expect big increases. It would be more likely if the situation lasted for two or three weeks, but that’s not what’s expected.

The situation in Quebec cannot be compared to the situation in Montreal.

Air Quality Index (AQI)

How high is the air quality index in your city and what health recommendations are derived from it?

Air Quality Index (AQI US)



sensitive people

Ban on going into the forest Fishermen have to wait


Great day to be active outside.

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Some people may be particularly sensitive to particulate matter pollution

Particularly sensitive people: Consider reducing the duration and intensity of outdoor activities. Watch for symptoms such as coughing or shortness of breath. These are signs of slowing down.

All the others : Great day to be active outside.

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AQI: BAD for
sensitive people

Sensitive groups include people with heart or lung diseases, the elderly, children and young people, minorities and field workers.

Sensitive groups: Reduce the duration and intensity of outdoor activities. It’s okay to be active outside, but take more breaks. Watch for symptoms such as coughing or shortness of breath.

People with heart disease: Symptoms such as palpitations, shortness of breath, or unusual tiredness can indicate a serious problem. If you have any of these symptoms, contact your doctor.

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for each

Sensitive people: Avoid prolonged or strenuous outdoor activities. Consider moving or moving activities inward.*

All the others : Reduce the duration and intensity of activities. Take more breaks from outdoor activities.

*Note: If you don’t have air conditioning, it can be dangerous to stay indoors with the windows closed during extremely hot weather. If you’re hot, go to a place with air conditioning or check with your community to see if cooling centers are available in your community.

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Sensitive people: Avoid any physical activity outdoors. Postpone it to a time when the air quality is better or move activities indoors.*

All the others : Avoid prolonged or strenuous activities. Consider moving or moving activities inward.*

*Note: If you don’t have air conditioning, it can be dangerous to stay indoors with the windows closed during extremely hot weather. If you’re hot, go to a place with air conditioning or check with your community to see if cooling centers are available in your community.

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All the others : Avoid any physical activity outdoors.

Sensitive people: Stay indoors and maintain reduced activity levels. Follow these tips to keep particulate matter levels low indoors.*

*Note: If you don’t have air conditioning, it can be dangerous to stay indoors with the windows closed during extremely hot weather. If you’re hot, go to a place with air conditioning or check with your community to see if cooling centers are available in your community.

“Yesterday, Quebec had two times less particulate matter than Montreal. In Quebec, the situation was still better than in Montreal. It shows how much the situation varies depending on the weather and wind.

In the last 24 hours, 80 micrograms of particulate matter per cubic meter has been observed in the Quebec region, while the normal value is 15.

“Not everyone will have health problems because we are older than 15. The higher, the worse. We are not at levels 200, 300 and 400 as we have seen elsewhere.

“It could happen to us later in the summer. So we remain vigilant.”

On Sunday, the CIUSSS issued specific recommendations to avoid intense outdoor activities.

“Now is not the time to run a marathon,” said Dr. Robert.

Babies, young children, the elderly, or those with heart or lung problems who may suffer more from air quality are advised to limit their outdoor activities until the situation improves. Improvement, which should come quickly according to the weather forecast for the region.

“We know that air quality is changing rapidly. More episodes are possible given the wildfires that will continue in northern Quebec for the next few weeks [de smog] who come back. It really depends on the direction of the wind. So we have to stay vigilant,” he continued.

For its part, the City of Quebec issued a press release Monday morning stating that the teams were ready and mobilized.

“Our teams are closely monitoring the situation. While 10 of the 60 day campgrounds are currently welcoming children, the city has recommended animation teams activate their rain schedule to reduce outdoor activity.

The outdoor pools and water features will remain open according to the current timetables.

Regarding city employees working outside, the city is following the guidance of the health department and is asking for usual vigilance from those with special health conditions.

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