Inhuman treatment UN experts criticize treatment of Guantanamo detainees Tagesspiegel

“Inhuman treatment”: UN experts criticize treatment of Guantánamo detainees Tagesspiegel

Nearly constant surveillance, grueling solitary confinement and limited contact with family – the treatment of the last 30 prisoners at Guantánamo is, according to UN human rights experts, “cruel, inhumane and degrading”. This emerges from the report on his first visit to the US detention center, presented on Monday.

UN Special Rapporteur Fionnuala Ni Aolain said the mistreatment in prison represented a violation of prisoners’ fundamental rights and freedoms.

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The prisoners were arrested as suspects after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and have been held at the camp in Cuba for nearly two decades. They suffered multiple abuses and received inadequate medical care, Ni Aolain told reporters. In addition, they did not have enough contact with their families, either through visits or phone calls.

Guantanamo should be closed

“The combination of all these practices and omissions (…) in my investigation amounts to continued cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment under international law,” said the UN Special Rapporteur. She traveled to Guantánamo with a team in February after UN human rights experts fought for two decades to visit the prison.

Washington has yet to deal with the most egregious human rights violations related to the prisoners: their secret capture and transfer to Guantánamo in the early 2000s and the often massive torture by US authorities in the first years after the 9/11 attacks. .

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Ni Aolain emphasized that closing the detention center, which is outside the jurisdiction of the US judiciary, remains a priority.

The US government set up the Guantanamo prison camp on a US naval base in Cuba after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington. In the meantime, the controversial camp had nearly 800 prisoners. There are currently 30 people in custody there. (AFP)