Feijoo joins Vox in accusing the government of politicizing the

Feijóo joins Vox in accusing the government of ‘politicizing the family’

Due to the confrontation of his candidate in Extremadura, María Guardiola, with Vox, it was a busier week than expected in Genoa 13 and the PP chief decided to end it precisely in Castilla y León, where his party with the extreme right has governed for some time. A little over a year.

In the first part of his party’s rally on Sunday in Salamanca, Regional President Alfonso Fernández Mañueco explained that his agreement with Vox was not such a big deal: “Since we formed the government, you’ve heard a lot of things, But the only reality is, that we have continued to grow in social rights, in equality between men and women and intensified the fight against sexist violence.” The Castilla y León Pact was the first in which, at the request of Vox, the concept of sexist violence was abolished and through that of “domestic violence” was replaced. Santiago Abascal stressed in an interview with El Debate on Sunday that “the law on gender-based violence only serves to criminalize men and aims at the battle of the sexes.”

In the second part of the Salamanca rally, Feijóo – who made no mention of the pact with Vox in Castilla y León – echoed the theses of the extreme right, accusing the executive of “politicizing the family” and transforming the various models into “proper and proper.” wrong.” “In these five years of the Sánchez government, we have seen an endless list of family types and a very small list of family supports,” he said. The PP appealed and lost in the Constitutional Court in 2005, headed by José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero passed law allowing people of the same sex to marry and adopt, that is, to create their own family.”Adoptive parentage,” according to the popular’s resource, “refers to biological parentage and therefore the natural environment in which the minor develops, the heterosexual union.”

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And during the break in the rally, during a speech moderated by Carmen Fúnez, Deputy Social Minister of the PP, the spokeswoman for the Association of Mothers of Adolescents and Girls with Accelerated Dysphoria (Amanda) said: “80% are girls who reject the idea, to become a woman because they reject sexist stereotypes and are afraid of the content they discover in porn […] Teachers become transgender detectors and must warn of a possible case of a trans childhood if a girl just wants to play soccer. […]. Nobody is free. Tomorrow your daughter can come and say, “Mom, I found out I’m trans.” They’ll tell you to choose between a trans son and a dead daughter. Don’t fall for it: Suicide is 19 times more likely if you facilitate your daughter’s transition.”

In this scenario, the ground zero of the agreements with Vox, and in which a few months ago there was a discussion about whether women who had decided to have an abortion should be forced to listen to the fetal heartbeat, Feijóo wanted his proposals in In this regard, imagine family and affairs. social Feijóo followed in the footsteps of Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who, back in 2019, suggested considering the “unborn conceived” as another member of the family unit in order to apply for the title of extended family or school place, promising to increase the amount of benefit per dependent Child “which can be obtained from the fifth month of pregnancy”. Also, “reward employers and companies when they hire a working mother on an indefinite basis.” In 2012, the PP government abolished monthly corporate social security contribution subsidies for permanent contracts for women returning after maternity or childcare leave returned to their place of work.

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Meanwhile, in an interview with El Mundo, Ayuso urged his partner María Guardiola to reconsider her veto against the extreme right: “At this crucial moment for Spain, you have to oppose Vox, even if you disagree,” he said thereby underscoring his argument: “I have come across reasonable allegations at Vox that do not seek to eradicate women or homosexuals.” The PP leader’s position on this at the moment is that it matters. After his candidate in Extremadura declared that he could not include in his government those who “deny sexist violence, dehumanize immigrants and throw the LGTBI flag in the trash”, the PP leader explained the differences with other territories, such as that of Valencia Community, where his partner maintains the same spirit and program: “The PP of Extremadura received almost 39% of the vote and Vox 8%.” The PP is a party with principles that do not mix with the politics of Pedro Sánchez becomes. The results in Valencia are completely different: Vox doesn’t have 8% but 12%. And it is evident that the right choice has been made, considering that in Valencia a different number of deputies is needed than in Extremadura.” That is to say, the price of the principles is 12%. The ultimate 40dB barometer. For EL PAÍS, Vox gives an estimate of the vote in the parliamentary elections on July 23 of 13.8%.

Feijóo ridiculed Sánchez’s initiative to “interview his ministers” and asserted that he was not only “a great actor” but also “a great presenter”. Some moments of the PP chief’s speech were reminiscent of those stand-up comedy monologues that give the audience a pause for laughter: “We have many comrades in the sun.” I hope that the Clinical Hospital dermatology service will complete its waiting list tomorrow not extended. And so what any dermatologist would no doubt prescribe after that sun exposure is to use a moisturizer. [Risas]“. “Hey, are these birds flying by swifts or swallows? The first stork I saw in my life was in León and I was so surprised that they laughed at me [más risas]“. The political joke, which is very tempting in an election campaign, almost never goes down well. Socialist leaders have also learned it the hard way, such as Emiliano García-Page, who at a recent rally saw fit to joke about his children’s sex lives.

It was one of Sánchez’s ministers, Nadia Calviño, vice-president for the economy, who entrusted the PSOE with its most important action before the election campaign on Sunday before the prime minister’s interview with Jordi Évole in La Sexta. Mercedes González, general secretary of the Socialists in the city of Madrid, also used puns: “We have Nadia. What does the PP have? Nothing.” Calviño, who had dreamed up a Rajoyn expression — “One does not gamble with edibles, and experiments must be done with soda” — resorted to guise: He tasked Feijóo with solving the riddle and telling them who their bet is now is economical “in case they rule with Vox” so he can debate with her or him.

The Vice-President assured that if the PP took power, European funds would be at risk: “It would mean a slowdown because there are some commitments that we are fulfilling that allow us to continue having this flow of resources from the Community budget. “ be interrupted, as is the case in Italy when a new government decides to radically change course.” During her speech at the Puente de Vallecas, she was interrupted several times by a woman to ask her what she was doing with the squatters would do. Calviño answered live and then went to her and her husband who are suffering from this situation in their block of flats. Sources on the vice president’s team confirm that she clarified that the housing law does not encourage squatting and that the electoral lead thwarted an attempt to speed up eviction procedures.

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