How to know if Ive been blocked on WhatsApp 5

How to know if I’ve been blocked on WhatsApp: 5 signs to be safe

Have you ever felt that uneasiness when wondering if someone blocked you on WhatsApp? This puzzle is frustrating to solve because WhatsApp prioritizes user privacy and doesn’t send block notifications.

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That said, finding out if someone has blocked you can be a complicated task, but there are ways to spot such situations. In this text, we will tell you the five signs that you can use to tell if you have been blocked on WhatsApp.

Complete guide to find out if you have been blocked on WhatsApp

Pay attention to the status

First, check the suspect’s Last Seen and Online status. If you are blocked, this information will disappear. So if you notice that someone’s status has disappeared, even if they were previously active, it could be a sign of a block. However, it is important not to jump to conclusions as the person may have disabled these features as well.

Profile picture does not exist

Another sign to look out for is the contact’s profile picture. If you’ve been blocked, your profile picture will disappear from your view. So if the suspicious person’s profile picture suddenly disappears, it can be another indication of WhatsApp blocking.

Gray tick when sending a message

The third sign is the lone gray tick. If you only see one gray tick when sending a message to the suspected contact, it means the message was sent, but there was no delivery confirmation on the second tick. This is a clear sign that it may be a blockage.

missed calls

Also, make sure your call attempts are not answered. Blocking on WhatsApp also stops calls. So, if you notice the above signs and your calls aren’t being answered, it may confirm your suspicions of being blocked.

Adding to the group is blocked

Finally, you can certainly test if you’ve been blocked by trying to add the suspicious contact to a group. If the attempt fails, this is the final piece of the puzzle and will confirm that you have been blocked on WhatsApp.

Figuring out if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp can be an amateur detective experience looking for clues and collecting evidence. But if all of these signs match, then it’s safe to assume that you’ve probably been blocked. Remember that this is part of the WhatsApp experience and it’s important to respect other users’ privacy.