Feid Concert Ticket Scammer Gets 100% of His Refund

Although the 140 people who bought tickets to Feid’s concert through an online retailer last weekend had their voting rights revoked and lost the money they had invested, Ticketera returned 100% of the money to the person responsible for hacking the system and was responsible for the illegal acquisition of the lockers.


A 19-year-old boy said he was the victim of a scam when he bought two ticket booths for the Feid concert at Col… on Facebook.

“Ticketera has a fairly sophisticated system to identify which tickets have been purchased without complying with laws and regulations. These tickets were canceled and the people who bought these tickets were affected and could not enter the Colosseum with this pass. “It should be noted that 100% of the money that the individual used to illegally purchase the tickets was returned to them,” confirmed Convention Center District Authority executive director Mariela Vallines SPOKESMAN.

The executive reported that about 140 tickets were canceled and on both Thursday and Friday people arrived with invalid ticket counters and had to repurchase them at the box office to gain access to the show.

When asked by this medium what these people can do who have spent more than three times the cost of the ticket booths, he stated that “the person who collected and resold the tickets doesn’t even live in Puerto Rico, so if someone bought them.” If you take away their ticket and they are denied entry, making a claim in this regard is extremely complex.

As a warning not to fall victim to this scam, Vallines stated that there are only two legitimate ways to buy official tickets, namely through Ticketera.com and Coliseodepuertorico.com, which redirect you to the Ticketera page.

“We are in constant discussions with all those involved in the assembly of events to prevent something like this (this type of practice) from continuing to happen, as it is not the first time.” Certainly we are identifying different alternatives to address the issue” , stressed the manager.

Following that SPOKESMAN contacted Ticketera to verify the information and find out why the money was returned to this person who illegally purchased the tickets and defrauded hundreds of consumers, some of whom did not even get to the ticket counters.

In this regard, spokesman Daniel Hernández informed this medium that Ticketera does not have the right to confiscate anyone’s money, regardless of whether the purchase was made illegally, since the resale of tickets is not allowed in Puerto Rico.

He also pointed out that it is everyone’s responsibility to file a complaint with the police to try and get their money back.

Regarding the amount acquired by the scammer in this transaction, Hernández acknowledged that he did not have the exact amount at the time, but clarified that the ticket offices acquired came from different areas.

He also stressed that the request to consumers has always been to buy the ticket offices through the indicated platforms such as Ticketera and Coliseo de Puerto Rico, as is the case in this case.


That the singer Feid managed to sell two performances at the Coliseo de Puerto Rico in less than two hours and with a promotion of less than a day…