1687913673 Un Posto al Sole the joyful announcement in the Soap

Un Posto al Sole, the joyful announcement in the Soap note: Official confirmation is coming MovieTele.it

Existing since lifespan To keep audiences entertained, soap operas do it all the time A rupture in the hearts of the viewers because ofnarrative action the, episode after episode, thickens increasingly. People who love this type of TV series they fantasize with their favoriteshope for happy endeagerly awaited and suffered.

One of the vernacular fictions that most fascinates Italians The nineties is without a doubt “A place in the Sun”. In fact, October 2023 contemporary drama will have great joy 27 years old from the first episode aired Rai Tre. Over time, the stories told have changed, but people’s affection has remained completely unchanged.

Speaking of which, for the last few hours, it’s me Some interesting news came to light what they literally do make fans freak out of the audiovisual product set in the wonderful city of Naples: what is it about? Let’s try to find out together.

Un Posto al Sole: The official confirmation has arrived

As known, “A place in the Sun” Records every day, Monday through Friday Don’t listen indifferent on the third channel of public service broadcasting in prime time. In fact, there are a great many “fans” who can’t wait to find out what’s going to happen in the next installment of their favorite soap opera.

There is no shortage of so-called fandoms and in the last few hours fans cheer follow one official confirmation they have been waiting for a long time. Those directly affected are two performers of the TV series which were they Protagonists of an event that causes a stir in social networks and especially in the media dealing with gossip news. But in what sense? What exactly happens? let’s find out

A location in the sun logoA location in the sun logo

The joyful announcement that makes you dream

We’ve gotten used to it over the years turns Television projects that, thanks to the magic of cinema or television, make those who follow them passionately build castles in the air. But it’s just that backstage which gives great satisfaction to the public. In this regard, there are by no means few stars of any given audiovisual work They fell in love during filming. A clear example of this are the following Italian or international couples: Luca Zingaretti And Luisa Ranieri; Javier Bardem And Penelope Cruz; Brad Pitt And Angelina Jolie.

If, instead, one only refers to the soap opera genre, one cannot help but think of the Spanish telenovela that captivated millions of viewers at the Bel Paese. “The secret”an experience that got him to know and fell in love with Fernando Coronado (Alfonso Castañeda) e Sandra Cervera (Emilia Ulloa), married in fiction. Then, even if they weren’t in the story, Francisco Ortiz (Bosco, the last son of the midwife Pepa Castro) e Carlota Baro (Mariana Castañeda) are companions in reality to this day.

Finally arrived “A place in the Sun”a couple that has made fans dream and continues to make fans dream is the couple they formed David Devenire And Serena Rossi which with great success the characters of resp. Andrew Pergolesi And Carmen Catalano. But which one happy announcement Could they find out the fans in the last few hours? All details about it.

Serena Rossi and Davide DevenireSerena Rossi and Davide Devenire

Serena Rossi and Davide are getting married

Oh well, The two actors married to the delight of her admirers.

As is well known, the couple met on the set “A place in the Sun” and from 2008the union was published, consolidated in 2016 with the birth of the baby Diego. In the 2019 came there Suggestion from him in Live TV and then the preparations have been accelerated lately absolute discretion.

As we have learned, the ceremony was celebrated in big secret and with the presence of few confidants The June 17, 2023 To Rome: Only the weekly newspaper Diva e Donna managed to get hold of it few shots the exit of the newlywed church from the church. Let’s look at one of them photo arrived together!

Wedding of Serena Rossi and Davide DevenireWedding of Serena Rossi and Davide Devenire

The master interpreter often speaks of the wedding my martini in the autobiographical feature film “I am mine” had stated that the marriage would only have been a plus to the great affection she felt (and certainly still feels) for him. Davidsince with which the crowning of true love took place birth of her child.

Nevertheless it is clear that the great day a was represented Representation of tremendous happiness for both spouses, for Diego, for her relatives and for her supporters.