1687913912 Android This future feature is intended to whet the appetite

Android: This future feature is intended to whet the appetite for more phone calls on the tablet – Frandroid

In future updates of Android and applications, we could transfer our VoIP calls from our smartphone to our touchpad. Enough to make calls from your tablet, use a larger screen for videos or search for something more easily during the call.

Android This future feature is intended to whet the appetiteThe Pixel tablet. // Source: Frandroid / Chloé Pertuis

With the introduction of the Pixel tablet, the development of Android features for touchscreen tablets was restarted. As XDA Developers reports, during Google I/O 2023, Google introduced a new development pack for Android called Telecom Jetpack. This would allow you to transfer calls from your smartphone to your tablet.

This is what call forwarding for tablets could look like

Calls with WhatsApp, Google Meet, Messenger and others can be made from the smartphone but also from the tablet. The latter has the advantage of having a larger screen and possibly better speakers. Today you have to pick up from your tablet to make a phone call. Thanks to Telecom Jetpack, that could become history.

Android This future feature is intended to whet the appetiteThis is what a call transfer might look like on a tablet // Source: XDA Developers

This tool enables “transparent audio switching and routing support and call forwarding for VoIP applications”. Google therefore introduced themselves in a screenshot shared during a Google I/O conference: during a Google Meet call with a call transfer button that allows transfer to a Pixel tablet. Currently Telecom Jetpack is still in the first version and the developers can test it.

No phone calls at this time

It’s possible that one day it will be “classic” phone calls, but for now it’s limited to VoIP calls, that is, calls made through messaging or video conferencing applications. This isn’t the first time Google has been working on a feature like this.

1687913909 617 Android This future feature is intended to whet the appetiteThe Pixel tablet. // Source: Frandroid / Chloé Pertuis

In 2021, the company prepared Nearby Calling: a feature that provides access to calls your smartphone receives on your Nest Hub when you are near it. Nothing has happened since then, except the Pixel Tablet came out.

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