Donald Trump The reception that overwhelms the former American President

Donald Trump: The reception that overwhelms the former American President ​​

Posted on 06/27/2023 21:17 Updated on 06/27/2023 21:50

Video length: 1 min

Donald Trump: The recording that overwhelms the former American president

France 2 articles written by

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E.Lagarde, Z.Boughzou, A.Filippi – France 2nd

France TV

Donald Trump has been accused of keeping confidential documents after leaving the White House, and has so far pleaded ignorance and negligence. However, a recording from July 2021 published by the broadcaster CNN proves the opposite.

It’s a revelation that undermines Donald Trump’s line of defense. Until then, the former president had always denied having confidential documents. But here are his words in 2021, more than a year after he left the White House: “It’s classified, it’s confidential information. Look at this.” At his home in New Jersey, USA, the former president mentioned a Pentagon plan for a possible attack on Iran in front of several people without security clearance.

Trump remains the leader in the campaign

“Here are the documents, the army prepared them for me and gave them to me. As president I could have demoted her, now I can’t, but it’s still a secret,” he said. explained. The record is in the hands of the special prosecutor who filed charges against Donald Trump on June 8. In the current campaign for the Republican nomination, Trump remains largely at the top. His indictment has in no way diminished the support he enjoys from Republican voters.

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