1687917022 Tab Soap a biodegradable disposable soap for the Global South

Tab Soap: a biodegradable disposable soap for the Global South PianetaDesign

In most countries of the Global South, access to water is still blocked and, as a result, the hygienic and sanitary conditions of the population remain very precarious. But now a revolutionary soap, Tab Soap, could help and improve the situation.

Tab Soap: Biodegradable disposable soap is coming to the Global SouthPhoto by 1195798 – Pixabay

Wash our hands with soap It is an everyday gesture that we learned as children and we have always known how much this simple operation represents the first barrier against the germs and bacteria responsible for more or less serious diseases.

Imagine that you don’t have access to water, you can’t wash yourself or you are forced to live in the dirt: Can you imagine yourself in this situation? Probably not, but it’s normal for most populations in the Global South.

Now the researchers fromleading college from London have developed them tab soapa special kind of biodegradable soap which could ultimately help to significantly improve the precarious conditions in which these realities find themselves.

The research that led to the creation of the soap

Tab Soap: Biodegradable disposable soap is coming to the Global SouthPhoto by jackmac34 – Pixabay

It all started with observing the results of a Study conducted in 2020 in a small town in the Tanzania. That was the result of the research Only 13% of the population living there had the necessary facilities to wash your hands

Upon closer inspection, it turned out that many people lived there Places without plumbing and without the private water connection. The only way for these families to have some water was to fetch it from the wells or pay someone to bring it to them. It was necessary to find a solution and it seems that we have succeeded.

What is Tab Soap and how does it work?

The tab soap It could help improve the lives of many who currently lack proper sanitation. That’s the case in many African countries, but hopefully things could get a lot better soon. Sometimes a small object that may even seem trivial to some can represent something wonderful or almost wonderful to others.

Tab Soap, the innovative soap developed by English scientists, is one of them Tablet made from biodegradable bamboo fabric impregnated with soap. After use, it is thrown into the pit latrine, where it completely dissolves without polluting the environment. Does it seem small to you?

The fact that it is disposable It should convince the African population to use it without prejudice and fear, overcoming their reluctance, as noted by the scientists themselves, towards traditional bars of soap, which are seen as something contaminating when they are used frequently. With the Tab Soap you can completely contain the problem and have zero impact on the environment.

In short, a green soap in all its facets that could prove to be a real godsend for those who live in the southern hemisphere. Should the experiment work, as we hope, the Tab Soap would prove to be the most useful disposable product ever and, and this is by no means secondary, solid proof that when men want it, they know how to be a lot more supportive and is empathetic than you think.