Buying an 11 month old baby to sell his organs

Buying an 11 month old baby to sell his organs

Nothing seems to stop some people, not even buying a baby to sell on for the organ trade.

This sordid story took place in Ukraine. A helper and “diabolical child trafficker” was denounced by a woman from Zhytomyr.

The cruel 43-year-old was reportedly arrested after trying to smuggle the 11-month-old baby out of Ukraine to sell his organs to human traffickers, the Chron reports.

He first approached the boy’s mother and promised her $5,000 for her baby. He reportedly gave her $1,000 first.

The man expected to make $25,000 by reselling the child.

The suspect had tricked the mother into believing that he would make sure her baby would be adopted in a country that is part of the European Union so that it would not go to war.

The little boy’s mother decided to report the disgusting guy who was arrested along with an accomplice at the Slovak border. He tried to leave the country with the baby. Fortunately, the child is now safe.

Apparently, the baby trader had already sold three more children by convincing the parents that their offspring would have a better life outside of Ukraine.

He remains in prison for child trafficking and faces a 15-year sentence if found guilty.