Consequences of Chernobyl? “Giant Rabbit” Found by Soldiers Rádio Studio 87.7 FM | Studio TV | Veranopolis

During an operation to clear landmines in the city of Kherson, Ukraine, soldiers came across an unusual find: a “giant rabbit”. The animal’s significant presence in the region brought to light old conspiracy theories that Chernobyl radioactivity was responsible for the increase in the size of the native animals.

Many were struck by the bunny’s size, comparing it to a “miniature kangaroo.” “At first glance I thought he found a kangaroo that escaped from the zoo and somehow survived the winter,” one Reddit user commented on the find.

The intriguing discovery reignited theories linking the unusual size of the animals in the region to the radiation released by the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident. According to these theories, the radioactive compound would be able to cause mutations and thus an increase in the size of the animals. .

However, despite the fascination of Internet commentators with these theories, it must be emphasized that Kherson, where the hare was found, is some 830 km from Pripyat, the city where the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is located and is currently covered by a structure known as “ Sarcophagus”.

The origin of the rabbit’s size is still a subject of speculation and debate, but its discovery underscores the unpredictability of nature and the possible longterm consequences of nuclear disasters. The information comes from the R7 portal.