1688035253 Smog Expanded distribution of N95 masks in East Montreal

Smog: Expanded distribution of N95 masks in East Montreal | Wildfires 2023

Large wildfires in northern Quebec create plumes of smoke with fine particles that affect air quality.

According to an internal memo distributed on Tuesday to managers and staff at the CIUSSS de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, the DRSP [Direction régionale de santé publique] recommends staying indoors and distributing N95 masks to the below target groups of vulnerable people who need to go outside […] : people with asthma; heart people; people with breathing problems such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis; seniors and pregnant women.

This memo, signed by a head of public health programs, details where the masks will be distributed.

“Currently, 3M Model N95 Masks, individually packaged units, are being shipped to targeted settings in all CLSCs, CH HMRs and HSCOs. [cliniques externes ciblées], CHSLD, private CHSLD, RPA, HLM and NPO. »

— A quote from the memorandum of the CIUSSS de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, June 27, 2023

It is asked to offer two N95 masks to people at risk, it said.

dr Réal Barrette, general practitioner and medical director of the CIUSSS de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal Center of Excellence in Chronic Diseases, was reached by phone and expects other institutions to follow suit.

In Montreal, given the episodes of poor air quality, we can expect increased distribution of N95 masks to people who need to be exposed to smog, especially vulnerable people, he explains.

Doctor Réal Barrette in an examination room.

dr Réal Barrette, General Practitioner and Medical Director at the Center of Excellence in Chronic Diseases of the CIUSSS de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal.

Photo: Radio Canada

A meeting of health officials was held late Tuesday afternoon to discuss the matter. Some institutions referred us to the Ministry of Health.

According to the latest data from the Ministry of Health, as of early April, Quebec had 37 million N95 masks and 8 million KN95 masks.

Quebec spent $53 million buying N95 masks in 2022–23.

Environment Canada forecasts late Tuesday afternoon indicated air quality in southern Quebec would remain acceptable through Thursday.

Started 10 days ago

Facilities in Montreal, Montérégie and Gatineau have been announcing targeted distribution of N95 masks due to the wildfires for more than a week.

In connection with the forest fire situation, the CIUSSS […] makes protective masks of the type N95 available to companies and organizations in its territory that have employees who have to work outdoors, we can read on the websites of some health establishments in Montreal for 10 days.

The CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal stipulates that we only accept orders for less than 25,000 masks. Inquiries over this number are directed to the MSSS.

According to the National Institute of Public Health of Quebec (INSPQ), the wearing of the N95 respirator by workers during the pandemic proved to be an additional measure to reduce exposure to small aerosols.