According to the White House, Biden uses a device to treat sleep apnea

Washington (United States), 06/28/2023. US President Joe Biden walks on the South Lawn of the White House after arriving at Marine One in Washington, DC, United States, June 28, 2023 Keynote address in Chicago to outline the theory and practice of “Bidenomics”. (United States) EFE/EPA/Al Drago / POOL

The President of US, Joe Bidenstarted using a device in recent weeks to treat his sleep apnea, a common condition that occurs when breathing is interrupted during sleep, the reported White House This Wednesday, the 28th, the White House released the information after Biden appeared before reporters this Wednesday morning with spots on both sides of his face. Journalists asked the White House about the markings, and a White House spokesman, Andrew Bates, explained that they resulted from Biden using a continuous airway pressure measurement (CPAP) machine to treat sleep apnea the night before have that you are suffering from. Additionally, another White House official who asked to remain anonymous stated that in recent weeks Biden has started using the devices to improve his sleep quality. At 80, Biden is the oldest president in US history.

He revealed that he suffered from sleep apnea in 2008 when he was Vice President under Barack Obama (20092017). However, his personal physician did not mention the condition in any of the reports published in 2021 and 2023. In 2019, while preparing for the 2020 presidential election, Biden’s doctor revealed in another report that he had undergone multiple nose surgeries. The most common treatment for patients with sleep apnea is the CPAP machine, which provides the patient with a continuous flow of air that helps keep the airways open and ensure the person gets the oxygen they need while they sleep.

*With information from EFE