State of the ART(ist) 2023: Grand Prix for Mahsa Aleph (Iran) and Taiye Ojo (Nigeria) BMEIA

In response to the start of the Russian war of aggression on February 24, 2022, the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ars Electronica created the “State of the ART(ist)”. The joint initiative is intended to bring artists who oppose war, persecution and life-threatening oppression to the forefront of the curtain and, above all, address Russian aggression and its fatal consequences. As part of an open call, a total of 357 entries from 40 countries were registered last year.

2023: 564 entries from 58 countries

The “State of the ART(ist)” was also held in 2023, but this time it was broader. Artists from around the world who are exposed to existential threats and who deal with oppression and persecution by warring regimes and factions, exploitation by corporations and states, or natural disasters in their work were approached.

With the State of the ART(ist), we support artists around the world who work in particularly difficult living conditions. With the collaboration of Ars Electronica, we make visible what would otherwise remain hidden and give endangered artists a space for their work. With this, we send a clear signal for the right to freedom of art and freedom of expression,

said Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg.

An open call took place from March 15 to April 28, 2023, in which a total of 564 works of art, actions, projects and community activities at the interface of human rights and art from 58 countries were entered.

2023: Big prizes go to Mahsa Aleph (Iran) and Taiye Ojo (Nigeria)

The jury, composed of Leila Nachawati Rego (Spain/Syria), Lucia Pietroiusti (Italy), Marita Muukkonen (Finland), Ivor Stodolsky (Germany/Finland), Simon Mraz (Austria), Christl Baur (Germany) and Martin, met if in May 2023 Honzik (Austria) belonged. The two top prizes were awarded to Mahsa Aleph from Iran and Taiye Ojo from Nigeria. In addition, seven honorable mentions were awarded. All nine projects will be showcased on location in Linz as part of the 2023 Ars Electronica Festival. The works can also be viewed in a virtual art gallery.

State of the art(is)