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Your oral health will be asking you for help if you have this very common habit public awareness contests in Brazil

Dentists always give important recommendations on how to properly take care of our oral health. Some of them give advice on drinks and foods that we should avoid in our daily lives.

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It is in this spirit that a United States dentist and professor, in an interview with a popular British newspaper, shared his thoughts on the risks associated with a habit you may be following: drinking. For those unfamiliar with the word, at first glance it means drinking any liquid in small sips.

The common habit that ruins your oral health

Dante Devoti, a New York dentist who works at Columbia University’s Faculty of Dentistry, gave an interview to the British newspaper Chron.

First, he notes that the habit of drinking liquids slowly leaves teeth in contact with the acids in the drink for longer than recommended.

According to him, prolonged exposure to acids, especially acidic liquids, can lead to demineralization and erosion of teeth. As a result, the above diseases make the teeth more prone to decay, which is one of their risks.

“It’s better for your teeth to have one cup of coffee, tea, juice or any other beverage at a time than to drink one cup all day,” the expert advises.

Next, it is emphasized that saliva can neutralize acids, but that the process can take up to an hour to neutralize the pH. Pretty soon, as soon as we take the drinks in small sips, the saliva can no longer complete the process.

“With repeated and prolonged exposure, almost all foods and beverages can be considered damaging to teeth,” the publication states.

Soft drinks: a sugary acid bath

Many people already know that soft drinks are bad for your teeth. In an article published on his university website, he refers to drinking soda as a “sugar acid bath.” Henceforth, this is an option to avoid in the interest of your oral health.

Finally, he points out that oral habits are not limited to just brushing your teeth. In short, everyone should watch their diet and watch out for some habits that can harm their oral health. It is recommended to track updates professionally.