At the age of 8 she was left alone in

At the age of 8 she was left alone in the world: her family was wiped out because of rotten potatoes Ecoo

In a small Russian town in the Volga region, a few years ago, an 8-year-old girl was orphaned by the whole family, and the cause of the massacre was rotten potatoes. How is it possible?

Potatoes (canva photo) –

Sounds like a horror story. An 8-year-old girl, Maria, stayed behind orphaned of a father, mother, brother and grandmother who are actually left alone in the world because of a murderess intoxication because of rotten potatoes. The story was picked up by some local Russian newspapers in the region where this tragic event took place, the Russian Republic Tatarstan on the banks of the Volga in a small town called Laishevo near Kazan.

In addition to the terrible fate that befell the little girl and her family, one naturally wonders what could have happened to her caused all these deaths. And indeed, the answer might make you reconsider your relationship with potatoes, a tuber that’s eaten every day around the world and only seems harmless. here you are
indeed what killed Maria’s family.

The rotten potatoes that killed Maria’s family

The Story it is very poor. Little Maria’s family owned a house with a small closed basement. Someday Father From Maria, 42-year-old Mikhail went to this basement to get potatoes for dinner and never came up. Shortly after, Anastasia, seeing that her husband was not returning, came there too Mother di Maria, went into the basement and never came up again. Concerned about what might have happened to the parents who Son The older of the couple, 18-year-old Georgy, also entered the basement and never returned.

Danger (canva photo) –

Last the granny of Maria and Georgy, 68-year-old Iraida, who decided to check, but before she went downstairs and found out what had become of her family members, she called some neighbors. But even for the woman there was nothing to do. In fact, when the help arrived, the doctors could only determine the deaths of these people, apparently without giving a reason, but after the autopsy examinations, which could be attributed to exactly one very strong intoxication due to the very high concentration of a gas occurs in potatoes when the rotting process begins.

What do rotten potatoes produce?

Green potatoes (canva photo) –

The potatoes belong to the family of nightshade family and they can concentrate some dangerous substances, such as solanine. Contrary to what you might think when you hear this word, it is one toxic substance that potatoes produce when exposed to sunlight. Because of this, it is better to keep them in the dark. A symptom of the strong presence of solanine is the potato skin and the flesh of these tubers, turning from yellow or white to green. And if the potatoes aren’t treated with the respect they deserve, and therefore aren’t stored in a way that doesn’t kickstart the rotting process, solanine can lead to this dissipate in the form of gas toxic, which can be fatal in high doses. Therefore, to avoid problems, you need to make sure that the potatoes are always stored optimally: in the dark and in a cool place. More not consume Potatoes if you notice the skin is wilting or if you notice areas that have turned green.