Migrants Meloni exposes the EUs bluff forgotten priorities

Migrants, Meloni exposes the EU’s bluff: forgotten priorities

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s activity in Brussels was a long process of mediation both on the redistribution of migrants among the EU countries and on the question of aid for the countries of origin. It is a pity that Viktor Orban and Mateusz Morawiecki, the Presidents of Hungary and Poland, then said no, which broke the agreement. The two presidents do not want the law, which provides for mandatory resettlements or economic compensation for hostile countries. An agreement that Italy voted on twenty days ago at the summit of interior ministers. An unexpected blow from the two countries with which Meloni has always had good relations. And precisely because of the excellent relations, the Italian Prime Minister tried mediation in extreme cases, but the attempt was unsuccessful. “I have tried to reach an agreement but there is no agreement. The only option presented is to adopt the conclusions of the European Council Presidency and not the conclusions of the European Council committing all 27 countries, Meloni said. But then she also added: “I am never disappointed by those who defend their national interests.” The choice of Poland and Hungary does not concern my priority in the field of immigration, i.e. the external dimension, but the internal dimension, i. and asylum pact. Their position differs from ours because we are all defending our national interests, but we also have different needs geographically.” to relate.” Today we are most concerned with raw materials and energy sources, but we know how to cook insects. I would say that we need to go back to the priorities that belong to a major global political actor.”

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If Meloni tries to mediate, Salvini chooses a less accommodating path: “I’m waiting for Europe to follow its words with deeds because thousands are landing.” I know that Meloni and Tajani demand the maximum. I don’t know if Paris, Brussels or Warsaw, Budapest or Berlin are to blame, but they keep ending up in Italy and the Italian mayors are having problems. I’m less interested in talking than zero: as we pay the condo expenses in the Europa condo but are having trouble only in Italy I’m asking them to take action. In the last few hours, 2,000 to 3,000 people have landed. It’s hard to imagine a summer like this: meanwhile, every European country agrees to welcome some of the thousands of immigrants who land in Italy. Anyone who wants to do it can do it today, even if the Poles don’t agree.”

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Orban and Moraviewcki are calling for the regulation already adopted to be amended by introducing the unanimity principle, which establishes the consent of all European Union member states and is one of the voting rules applicable in the Council. A request that the Council did not accept; Voting will therefore continue to be by qualified majority. The only positive: the opening of the so-called piano mattei, i.e. economic aid for countries of origin to seal off migrants. “The external dimension that we have been working on since Tunisia affects all countries. “There is a unanimous consensus,” said Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in a press statement at the end of the EU summit. “I believe that we have to keep working on it because everyone understands that it’s the only way to find a solution that applies to everyone,” he added. For this reason, a meeting with Morawiecki is planned for Wednesday in Warsaw.