Daily horoscope for July 1 2023 – Chicago Tribune

Daily horoscope for July 1, 2023 – Chicago Tribune

Daily horoscope for July 1 2023 – Chicago Tribune

We receive cosmic green light. We start with the confident Sun connecting with intellectual Mercury at 1:06 am EDT, which helps us to think quickly and confidently. Mercury then supports expansive Jupiter, encouraging us to broaden our horizons by traveling or learning something new. The Sun then works with Jupiter to ensure we internalize our positive new experiences – adding an extra dose of happiness to everything we do! Let’s all take advantage of the good vibes.

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March 21 – April 19

Intuition can take you far today, Aries. You may have the opportunity to go out and trust that you will meet new people or learn new things or take a new course and learn more about yourself through other people. This is probably what you’ve been waiting for! Brace yourself – some paths that were previously blocked to you are opening up and you can move on with confidence. Open your mind to everything you really want to know.

April 20 – May 20

You are making steps towards who you want to be. While you may still not be entirely sure who that person is, today you have a stronger idea of ​​who that might be, perhaps inspired by someone else, a work of art, or even a meaningful quote. You don’t have to be afraid to leave your former self behind because you know that the person you were will always be a part of you, but you are ready to strengthen your self-identity. Discover who you are.

May 21 – June 20

You may feel like your foundation is stronger than usual. Whether you’ve gotten a promotion, a higher salary, a partner you can trust, or just increased self-confidence, you have more freedom to venture into the unknown. You may not be afraid to take a risk when you know you have something to fall back on if things don’t work out. This way you can shoot for the moon and trust that you have a parachute to catch you if needed.

June 21 – July 22

Others can see the impact you have had on them, Cancer. Perhaps you now have more mental strength and charm that allow you to inspire other people just by being yourself. It can be surprising when colleagues come up to you out of the blue and offer you a compliment or thank you, but it’s entirely possible! You have the ability to show others what you’re made of, and the community will likely make you who you are. Believe in your impact.

July 23 – August 22

Your intuition can guide you to the truth. Creativity is now increased even if you are not an artistic person and you can apply this to many different elements of your life. You are also able to see through the surface of situations that may have been confusing in the past, while your instinct cuts through all illusions and calls attention to what lies beneath. If you are honest with your observations, you can impress authority figures or people you admire. They might reward you! Trust what your gut feeling tells you.

August 23 – September 22

Your dreams could take a step towards realization. Be ready for an opportunity to broaden your horizons that a friend might offer you after they learn more about you and your character. If a co-worker likes what they see, chances are they’re offering them a chance to show them what you really can do. This door cannot be kept open forever, so it’s important to slam the iron shut while it’s still hot. They give you the green light, so go ahead!

September 23 – October 22

You can take charge, Libra! While you may not draw much public attention, you can still get the attention of someone who can help you improve your status, whether you know it or not. This person may be reviewing one of your applications, watching you on social media, or learning about you from third parties, and likely appreciate what they hear. The worst thing you can do right now is give up, afraid you won’t get enough shine.

October 23 – November 21

A mentor is an invaluable companion these days. The wisdom this person can impart to you, whether you already know them or not, could be invaluable in your future growth. This person may not even be aware of the value of their words, but if you listen carefully to what they say, you can avoid making the same mistakes they have made in the past. You may also be able to teach them something if you speak from the heart, but it’s better to listen than talk.

November 22 – December 21

You may feel more confident when it comes to tackling deeper issues. You may be worried about a struggle you’ve been through that not many people know about. It might be easier to tell them what’s on your mind, even if you couldn’t before. This can lessen your emotional burden and give you the energy to conquer your demons. Also, someone you want to open up to might have good advice for you. Don’t be afraid to face your fears!

December 22 – January 19

You and someone close to you may be sticking their heads together right now. Problems that you found difficult to solve on your own may seem to solve themselves, especially if a close friend or family member offers to help you – or even just mentions a talent that applies well to your situation. They might be able to help you with a creative project, revise a resume, take care of your kids or pets, or inspire you in general! Let them lift you up

January 20 – February 18

You may see the results of your hard work at any moment. If you’ve recently started a new routine or positive habit, the effort you’ve put in could finally pay off. You may feel more energized when you have had a better night’s sleep, more at peace when you start meditating, or simply sigh with relief when you realize that your efficient system has already completed all your tasks. No matter how small your progress, you can be proud of it.

February 19 – March 20

You can put an end to any ongoing drama. Whenever disagreements arise around you or the people you are with seem unable to make a decision that makes everyone happy, you can smooth things over. The ultimate goal and way forward may be more obvious to you, and others should greatly appreciate it if you speak up to let them know that this is the case. When colleagues notice and take advantage of your potential solution, it can calm a formerly chaotic dynamic. Be the peacemaker.

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