George Schweinfurth
Georg August Schweinfurth (born December 29, 1836 in Riga – died September 19, 1925 in Berlin), was a German-Baltic-German botanist, ethnologist and explorer of Africa (covering an area of 30,221,532 km2 including the islands,…) black .
After studying at several universities (Heidelberg, Munich and Berlin), he became involved in botany (botany is the science devoted to the study of plants (from the Greek …)) and paleontology (paleontology is the science devoted to engaged in researching the fossil remains of living animals). beings from…).
He was responsible for the classification of Baron von Barnim and Dr. Hartmann was responsible for the collections he had brought with him from Sudan and was interested in this African region. In 1863 he undertook a voyage (A voyage is a journey to a more or less distant point for personal reasons…) along the shores of the Red Sea (The Red Sea (Arabic: ????? ?? ?? ?? ? Bahr el-Ahmar) is an intracontinental sea of the ocean…), goes to Khartoum (Khartoum (in Arabic al-Khartûm: ???????, which can be translated with). “Trumpe…) and returned to Europe (Europe is a terrestrial region that can be considered as…) in 1866. His research aroused the interest of the Humboldt Foundation in Berlin and in 1868 he was sent on an important scientific mission (A scientist is a person dedicated to the study of one or more sciences and …) in the interior of East Africa.
His journey (before denoting a journey (pleasant or not, short or long, by sea or not, effective or…) takes him from Khartoum to Bahr-el-Ghazal along the White Nile (white is the color of ‘ a The body is heated to about 5000 °C (see…) and then, accompanied by ivory traders, crosses the areas inhabited by the Diur (Dyoor), Dinka, Bongo and Niam-Niam, after which it enters the Land (Land) .comes from the Latin pagus, which denoted a territorial and tribal division of the extent…) of the Mangbettu (Monbuttu) and discovered the river (In hydrography, a river is a watercourse flowing under the influence of…) wave ( March 19, 1870), which is not part of the Nile watershed and which he mistakenly assumed to be associated with the lake (In limnology, a lake is a large body of water on a continent where it…) Chad (in actually tributary) in a watercourse with greater current, on…) the river (In French-speaking hydrography, a river is a watercourse that flows into the sea or into… the Congo).
In 1871 he discovered carved figures in Central Africa, it was the beginning of so-called Negro art in Europe.
Schweinfurth has largely changed the knowledge we have about the inhabitants, the fauna and the flora (flora are all plant species occurring in an area…) of Central Africa. He described in detail the cannibalistic practices of the Mangbettu, and his discovery of the Akka pygmies put an end to the debate (A debate is a (constructive) discussion on a specific or substantive topic, announced in advance,…) of the existence of small men in Africa. The account of his expedition was published in In the Heart of Africa.
In 1873-1874 he accompanied Friedrich Gerhard Rohlfs (1831-1896) on his expedition through the Libyan desert.
He settled in Cairo in 1875, founded the Khedival Society of Geography (Geography (from ancient Greek γεωγραφία…)) and devoted himself exclusively to the historical and ethnological study of Africa.
Accompanied by Paul Güssfeldt (1840-1920), he penetrated into the Arabian desert and continued his explorations until 1888 (particularly observations (observation is the activity of attentively observing phenomena without the will to …), botanical and geological in Fayoum, in the valley (A valley is a geographical valley generally of the shape…) of the Nile. The following year (A year is a unit of time indicating the duration between two occurrences of a connected event…) he returns to Berlin to live there, but will visit Eritrea again, then an Italian colony (Italian is the common one Surname). for the rope with which a furling system was operated….) in the years 1891, 1892 and 1894.
- Max Linke (1977). Georg Schweinfurth and his work as a geographer, Petermann’s geographical communications, 121 : 247-251.
- Artes Africanae, 1875 (In the heart of Africa)