Weather The strong thermal anomaly over the North Atlantic tends

Weather: The strong thermal anomaly over the North Atlantic tends to decrease Meteo Giornale

Shutterstock 2309398661 - Weather: The strong thermal anomaly over the North Atlantic is trending downCurrently there is a very important anomaly on the surface of the earth. It is indeed the spectacular thermal anomaly in the North Atlantic, particularly in the eastern areas where the waters between North Africa and the British Isles have been reaching temperatures in recent weeks up to +5°C anomaly off Ireland and off the French coast.

An anomaly that had never happened since, at least There are satellite measurements since 1979.

This has caused temperatures in the North Atlantic to show a mean anomaly of +1.2°C and beyond around June 19-20, a value that does as well it is completely new as these anomalies have been calculated over the last 40 years and beyond.

There have long been questions about the causes, from galloping global warming to the presence of the incipient El Niño, which brings with it generalized warming of the oceans, to lower sulfur emissions from overseas ships, whose particles reflect the sun’s radiation across the sea .

Now a more important hypothesis has been put forward: the weakened presence of the Azores anticyclonesettled further north than normal around the British Isles this year.

However, the strong solar radiation in these areas would have increased the warming of sea surface water Weakening trade winds over the subtropical zoneresulting in less mixing of the surface waters, which have therefore warmed up more than normal.

Normally, the location of the anticyclone was concentrated in the Azores causes fairly strong northeast trade winds along the sea off North Africa, which mix the water surface, instead with anticyclonic north position this year the trade winds there was not.

However, in recent days the presence of cooler NW currents over western Europe has taken the place of the anticyclone and temperatures in the North Atlantic are falling rapidly (currently to +0.685°C).