1688391869 Neymar gets into a fight at Thiaguinhos show and security

Neymar gets into a fight at Thiaguinho’s show and security forces separate him

Neymar gets into a fight at Thiaguinho's show and security forces separate him

Reproduction Bacci

Soccer player Neymar was embroiled in another controversy this weekend and was filmed by Thiaguinho confronting two women in a box on the show Tardezinha.

The video published by the journalist Luiz Bacci shows a moment in which he is standing at a table with several alcoholic drinks, accompanied by his fiancée, the influencer Bruna Biancardi.

At this point he seems to be interfering in the discussion. Although it’s not clear what he’s saying, some curses and a “fuck you” can be seen.

After a few seconds, security separates them and Bruna Biancardi tries to calm the situation, apparently saying “there could be a problem”.

Afterwards, Neymar appears to be on the phone, making a hand signal and apparently saying something along the lines of ‘Fucked up’.

Neymar becomes a joke

On social media, many people made fun of Neymar, saying that he “must have sent a girl a direct message during the show” and that “men were afraid that Neymar would take their girlfriends”.