Ineligible Bolsonaro could face other crimes in Brazil Radio Guantanamo

Bolsonaro is piling up investigations and lawsuits ranging from violations of the electoral system to his government’s poor performance during the Covid-19 pandemic to the January 8 coup attempts in Brasilia.

The TSE disqualified the ex-governor for abuse of power and abusive use of public media during the past election.

By five votes in favor and two against, the court disqualified the ex-soldier from holding public office until 2030 for holding a publicly televised meeting with foreign ambassadors in July 2022, during which he discussed the electoral system and the electronic ballot box attack .

At the meeting, held at the Palacio de la Alvorada (official residence) of the capital, the former president did not hold back his word in front of about 40 foreign diplomats to again question and attack the ministers of the TSE and the Federal Court of Justice (STF).

Given the facts, the Trabalhista Democratic Party acted quickly at the time and championed electoral justice.

Referring to the June 30 court ruling, the far-right politician said he was “stabbed in the back” and that he had recently received one in the stomach, alluding to the 2018 attack.

He announced that he would explore with his lawyers the possibility of appealing not only to the TSE but also to the Supreme Court.

According to the Vermelho portal, although Bolsonaro tried to deny his attacks, during his tenure and political life he has accumulated “acts and omissions that harm the country, the Brazilian people and democracy, and for which he is answerable before the judiciary must”.

In this sense, the ex-soldier faces five investigations in the STF that could lead to prison, four of which are ongoing during his tenure (2019-2022).

The most insistent and recent investigation points to his role as a possible instigator of the attacks and vandalism perpetrated on January 8 against the headquarters of the three powers in Brasilia by radical supporters who called for military intervention and rejected the third takeover of power by President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

As part of the investigation, the former paratrooper is also charged with four times obstructing the work of the police to protect relatives at risk of corruption and spreading false information about electronic ballot boxes.

Similarly, two other investigations are related to the release of a police survey into a cyberattack on the electoral justice system and misleading statements about the Covid-19 pandemic linking the vaccine against the pathogen to the risk of contracting HIV.

In addition, the former army captain conducted campaign rallies and vulgar live broadcasts in public buildings to solicit votes.

As if that weren’t enough, the former president, who has someone to charge him with, recently testified before federal police about three sets of luxury clothes given away by the government of Saudi Arabia that he should have given to the state and they weren’t in include his personal wealth. .

Law enforcement is seeing “concrete evidence” that Bolsonaro has always tried to regain the very expensive awards, and Justice and Public Safety Minister Flavio Dino has promised the investigation is nearing completion.

In May, the former president also denied his involvement in the possible falsification of vaccination certificates against Covid-19 before his trip to the United States.

In an operation related to the alleged forgery, the former ruler was one of the targets of the so-called Operation Venire and his home in Brasilia was searched, with agents also confiscating his mobile phone.

For analysts, the adage that “justice, even if it lags, seldom reaches the criminal in a career” is well fulfilled in Bolsonaro.