Indiana Jones The Antikythera the Ark and the Facts and

Indiana Jones: The Antikythera, the Ark, and the Facts and Fictions Behind the Movies – Den of Geek

The Holy Grail

The grail inside Last Crusade is said to be the cup used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper and into which some of his blood flowed at the crucifixion. It first appeared in literature in the 12th century and has been associated with Arthurian legends and the real and mysterious Knights Templar, who – like the fictional Brotherhood of the Crossed Sword – served as protectors of the Grail.

Although it probably falls into the category of pseudo-history, enough people have gone in search of the grail and there are countless local legends in different countries about it hiding there, making its existence, like the ark, seem conceivable . A chapel in Chwarszczany, western Poland, with its recently discovered hidden tunnels, seems like a pretty strong contender for its resting place. And yes, the quick-witted Nazis did have an interest in finding the Grail, particularly the occultist Heinrich Himmler and the medievalist Otto Rahn.

crystal skull

Say what you want Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008), the film’s MacGuffins are real, so to speak. There are said to be 13 of these around the world, including in the British Museum and the Smithsonian Institution, and believers say they originated in Mesoamerican civilizations tens of thousands of years ago. There are stories linking them to the Aztecs, Atlantis and ancient aliens and that they may enhance psychic abilities or have healing properties. However, science does not confirm this: the specimens examined with the electron microscope were made only at the end of the 18th century, reports National Geographic. Yet there is still lore and fascination with the skulls. Ghostbuster and paranormal enthusiast Dan Aykroyd pays homage to them with his Crystal Head Vodka brand.

Interestingly, the most famous crystal skull, the Mitchell Hedges skull, was the focus of a 2012 lawsuit also involving Lucasfilm. Explorer Frederick “FA” Mitchell-Hedges and his young daughter Anna claimed to have unearthed their “Skull of Doom” in Belize on New Year’s Day 1924 (although it was later revealed that he had acquired it at a Sotheby’s auction in 1943). Still, the story of the skull’s origin was enough to convince Dr. Jaime Awe, director of the Belize Institute of Archaeology, to demand the return of the skull to the country from the Mitchell-Hedges family. In addition, because Kingdom of the Crystal SkullBecause the artifact closely resembles the skull, damages have been sought from Lucasfilm, The Walt Disney Company, and Paramount Pictures for profiting from the skull’s resemblance without permission.

Fate dial

However, you have to watch the latest episode of Indiana Jones to know exactly what the title is Fate dial That said, there are some artifacts associated with the term “fate”.

The real Stone of Destiny is a symbol of Scotland. Legend has it that it has its origins in Biblical times and was used at the coronations of Scottish kings for centuries before being stolen by King Edward I of England in the 13th century. It was stolen from Westminster Abbey by Scottish students in 1950 and returned to England before finally being returned to the Scots in 1996. For the coronation of King Charles III. however, it returned to Westminster for a short time.