1688397507 FH St Polten European University Funding guaranteed until 2027 St

FH St. Pölten, European University: Funding guaranteed until 2027 St. Pölten

FH St. Pölten leads an alliance of 9 European universities with E³UDRES². The University of Applied Sciences in St. Pölten and his partners convinced the EU Commission with their ambitious candidacy: The European University E³UDRES² will be extended until 2027 and supported with funds of around 14.4 million euros. The main focus of the next phase is to intensify the existing cooperation between the nine partner universities.

ST. POLTEN. As one of only two Austrian universities, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences took over management of a European university alliance in 2020.

“With our focus on the concepts of Engaged & Entrepreneurial Universities, on practice-oriented education and training, applied research and an intensive exchange of knowledge with numerous stakeholders, and in particular with our focus on promoting European Smart Regions and Sustainable, has In recent years, we have managed to position our European University E³UDRES² as a best practice across Europe. The extent of funding is an important recognition of our previous work together. It gives us the opportunity to further develop E³UDRES² as a university full-fledged European university, in line with the objectives of the EU Commission, and to make a significant contribution to strengthening the European university, area of ​​research and innovation”.

emphasizes Hannes Raffaseder, head of the European University and managing director of the University of Applied Sciences in St. Polten.

Congratulations federal, state and municipal

“I am delighted that the European University Alliance E3UDRES2, coordinated by St. Pölten UAS, has been selected by the European Commission for further funding. Due to its excellent anchorage in the region, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences is predestined to develop and test innovative concepts for a forward-looking university together with partner universities. an important partner for companies and public institutions in overcoming challenges. I congratulate the University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten on this great success”, said the Minister of Education, Science and Research, Martin Polaschek.

FH St Polten European University Funding guaranteed until 2027 St

“The extension of the European University until 2027 is another important step in the development of Lower Austria as a place of innovation. With this success, the University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten is once again attracting international attention to itself and the state university in Lower Austria. I would like to congratulate everyone involved in the project for this excellent confirmation of their work. This is a great international echo for the federal state”, says LH deputy Dr. Estevão Pernkopf.

“The Commission’s commitment to the extension of the European University St. Pölten is not only a confirmation of the work done, but also proves the growing importance of St. Pölten of Applied Sciences in the field of European higher education. With European University St. Pölten, we can continue to move forward with the ambitious plans for the university and the region,” emphasizes Matthias Stadler, Mayor of the City of St. Polten.

network expansion

In addition to the 9 partner institutions of E³UDRES², the network will also have 36 associated partners in the next phase, including three Ukrainian universities and three universities from the Western Balkans.

“The great effort of the E³UDRES² team and more than 30 letters of support from various ministries, companies and institutions paid off. We are very pleased with the confirmation of the work done so far and the continuation of the alliance”,

leather so wrinkled.

Smart and innovative regions

European universities are among the EU’s most important flagship initiatives for the development of the European area of ​​higher education, research and innovation. E³UDRES² (Engaged and Entrepreneurial European University as Driver for European Smart and Sustainable Regions) focuses on strengthening regional innovation systems to support small and medium-sized cities and rural regions, in particular in digital, ecological and economic change: “

The development and promotion of European regions outside the big cities is our main concern. The universities located there are well anchored in their environment and play an important role in the sustainable development of the environment, economy and society”,

says Gabriele Permoser, coordinator of E³UDRES² at the University of Applied Sciences in St. Polten.

E³UDRES² 2.0

In addition to the expansion of the alliance, the priority areas and research networks around the themes “Health, Well-being and Social Inclusion”, “Digital Solutions and Deep Tech (Applied)”, “Resilient Economy and Innovation” and “Creative Industries for Regions Identity” will also be expanded. expanded. In addition, new joint degrees, joint doctoral programs, centers of excellence for research, innovation hubs for cooperation with start-ups and leading companies, and an expansion of activities for and with society are planned.

“We are also founding a joint support organization and working together on the strategic development of the participating universities in order to take great steps towards the common goal of establishing a fully-fledged European university in the coming years,” he said.

leather so wrinkled.

About E³UDRES²

The European University Initiative is the central measure of the new European Strategy for Universities and makes an important contribution to the development of the European area of ​​higher education, research and innovation. The creation and expansion of 44 European University Alliances is being funded mainly under the Erasmus+ programme, the EU’s program for education, youth and sport. The aim is to create fully-fledged European universities that will strengthen the international competitiveness of European universities with forward-looking concepts. to St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences has been awarded the contract for E³UDRES² in 2020. Confirmation of continued funding by the EU Commission is not only proof of the successful development work of recent years, but also shows the close cooperation with partner institutions Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, UC Leuven-Limburg University of Applied Sciences, Politehnica University Timișoara, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Fulda University of Applied Sciences, Saxion University of Applied Sciences, Jamk University of Applied Sciences Security Planning until 2027.

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