Former reporter dies from cancer of the base of the

Former reporter dies from cancer of the base of the skull

Posted in MEDIA on 07/03/2023 12:37 p.m

A Journalist and former reporter of the globe, Maria Jose Sarno63 years old, he died, this Sunday (2), in São Paulo. She struggled with complications caused by it Cancer at the base of the skull and was interned at the AC Camargo Hospital.

Friends and former stationmates mourned the loss of Maria José, who worked for Globo almost 30 years. Zelda Melo wrote: “Zezé paved a whole path of generosity‘ and that she is an ‘example of strength, a reference for the profession’.

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Graziela Azevedo shared photos of her friend on Instagram and posted: “Maria José Sarno, the reporter who saw reality with a generous heart, trained in her experience with the basic ecclesial communities. Our dear colleague Zezé, who reinvented life by teaching the best journalism to new generations. As if that wasn’t enough, all he did and taught was still studying adulthood psychology to help even more people. He fought bravely against the ailments of the body and rested, leaving behind many friends and many stories.”

“When I joined GloboNews in 2011, she was Maria José Sarno. Over time I had the privilege of calling her Zezé, an intimacy acquired over the years of living together and a very good mutual feeling. , after an unfair fight against cancer that gradually robbed Zezé of the strength she had always shown, but did not rob her conscience and wisdom. At the last meeting in April, the physicist already explained the effects of so much aggression in the name of healing. But the mind was still active and capable of providing accurate life advice.” wrote Henrique Picarelli of GloboNews.

In addition to her work as a reporter at Globo, Maria José worked Text Editor and EditorinChief at GloboNewsso splash.

Maria José Sarno Reproduction/GloboNews The reporter in action Reproduction/GloboNews

Women’s rights activist and psychologist

they also fought for women’s rights: “It is necessary to unite women in necessary struggles, such as creating day care centers where they can work and having children with responsibility in a more peaceful way.” But it is a collective struggle, not only for journalists”, he explained in an interview with the Union of Professional Journalists of São Paulo.

Also Maria Jose Sarno has a degree in psychology. After leaving Globo, he began to devote himself to his new profession.