Fabiano Contarato will criminally represent Andre Valadao after new homophobic

Fabiano Contarato will criminally represent André Valadão after new homophobic attacks

Senator Fabiano Contarato

247 After evangelical businessman André Valadão hinted at homosexual deaths in a sermon at the Lagoinha Church branch in Orlando, Senator Fabiano Contarato announced that he would represent the Bolsonarist criminally.

“For everything I am, for what I believe in, for my family and for everything I hope for society, I cannot remain silent in the face of the crime committed by André Valadão. We will prosecute him to stand trial for belief manipulation and incitement to violence,” he said.

Fabiano has been married to Rodrigo Groberio since December 2017, whom he met in 2011. They have two children together: Gabriel and Mariana.


Understand the case:

Bolsonarist businessman André Valadão again attacked the LGBTQIA+ population during a Sunday sermon at the Lagoinha Church in Orlando (USA). According to him, God would “kill everything” if he could.

“Now is the time to take the strings back and say no, no, no. “You can stop, restart,” he began. “Oh God says: I can’t take it anymore. I already placed this rainbow there. If I could I would kill everything and start all over again. But I promised myself I couldn’t. Now it’s yours.

The Bolsonarista’s violent tone is a constant. Valadão has previously said that he would drown President Lula for 30 seconds and that “God abhors pride,” referring to LGBTQIA+ Pride Month.