"Messina I love you, thank you for waiting for me"Tiziano Ferro creepy in San Filippo Messina Edition

« Messina! It’s been six years now and you’re still here, I can’t believe it… Thank you! I think of all those who traveled everywhere by train, by car, from Sicily, from Calabria. Thank you!”. Messina was waiting for him since 2020 and he had it, last night the TZN 2023 stopped in the city, destination San Filippo Stadium. In front of more than 37,000 looks, on a stage based on his model, without protective measures, just as scenic how important to resume the personal relationship with the audience that was cut off six years ago.The lineup was long and wide-ranging.A beacon focusing on twenty years of career, between cornerstones like the inevitable “Black Evenings”, “I can’t explain it”, “Xdono” … and overbearing new classics like “I Accept Miracles” (“which has etched itself into people’s hearts without ever being able to sing it live before”), which opened the concert, to continue a live speech interrupted six years ago and to say in clear tones: “Hello, welcome, welcome back”. The speech. The manifestation of a thought, a category of the word that creates connections. Like the one with Raffaella Carrà, the Tiziano smuggled into the belly of the show through a long message. Before and after thirty-three pieces by Tiziano Ferro in over two hours of music. From Good (Bad) Fate to The End, to The Difference Between You and Me, You’ve Got Islands in Your Eyes, Clumsy, Back, And I Was Delighted, On Goodbye My Love”, “At My Age”, “Last Night On The World”, “To Say Hello!”, “I Love You”, “First Father’s Day”, “The Glorious Life”, “Stop! Forget, It’s Dark Outside, We Could Go Back, Enchantment, Comfort. Guest of the evening, as is the tradition of this tour, the very young Angelina Mango, daughter of art and winner (in the category “Singing”) of the latest edition of Amici di Maria De Filippi. She sang with him and he with her. They had already done some things together, because Titian is someone who takes inspiration from the talent of others and Angelina had seduced him some time ago. In the audience was a very excited mother Laura. Thoughts flew to “the extraordinary artist that was Papa Pino”. Only the two who sat on the jury of this Sanremo Giovani who brought an eighteen year old Ferro to the final. Then a prayer: “If my daughter becomes a singer … a special eye!”. “Swimming through the straits to get to Sicily,” he had confessed to us. Last night in Messina he was the sea.