1688543207 PHOTOS Phase 3 of the Promenade Samuel De Champlain a great

[PHOTOS] Phase 3 of the Promenade Samuel-De Champlain: a great place welcomed as a real gift

Magnificent, extraordinary, wonderful and impressive: there is no shortage of descriptions for the location of the third phase of the Samuel-De Champlain promenade on the eve of its inauguration, when several citizens were already there to enjoy the fine weather.

• Also read: Promenade Samuel-De Champlain: The Citizens’ Table pushes for Phase IV

A large beach with umbrellas, a swimming pool that gives the impression of merging with the river and accessible services nearby: phase 3 of the Promenade Samuel-De Champlain is welcomed as a real gift by the people who were there on Tuesday .

“I didn’t come as it was designed that way, it’s great. It’s really, really beautiful. “I will definitely come back,” emphasizes Marie-Josée Roy, who ran across the site while jogging.

Émilie Séguin-Larouche (right) with her children Estelle (right), Arthur (centre) and Béatrice (left) and her aunt Fabienne Bernard.

Marie-Josée Roy, who went jogging around the site, plans to return there this summer. Photo Catherine Bouchard

In the late morning there were several people on site, including several small families. The water mirror and its fountains – right next to the huge swimming pool – were already very popular with small children.

“It is extraordinary. Honestly it’s very beautiful. Even the toilets, everything is perfect,” says Émilie Séguin-Larouche, accompanied by her three children and her aunt Fabienne Bernard.

“And umbrellas are very popular on days like today,” the mother continues.

Émilie Séguin-Larouche (right) with her children Estelle (right), Arthur (centre) and Béatrice (left) and her aunt Fabienne Bernard.

The “mirror pool” and its fountains will be very popular with children this summer. Photo Catherine Bouchard

An attractive site

The beauty of the place, clearly visible from the bike path, also attracts cyclists, many of whom stopped on Tuesday to discover this new gem of the city.

“It’s great. I came by bike a couple of times, it wasn’t like that. The pool is wonderful. You can’t swim in the river, but the way you do it, it’s almost like you’re there ‘ says Jacques Robitaille on board his bike.

Émilie Séguin-Larouche (right) with her children Estelle (right), Arthur (centre) and Béatrice (left) and her aunt Fabienne Bernard.

Jacques Robitaille, who crossed the site on a bike ride, likes the concept of the swimming pool, which gives the impression of bathing in the river. Photo Catherine Bouchard

Station de la Plage will inevitably attract tourists this summer, but the site is also becoming a must-see for Quebecers, especially those who live nearby.

Émilie Séguin-Larouche (right) with her children Estelle (right), Arthur (centre) and Béatrice (left) and her aunt Fabienne Bernard.

The beach station is huge and equipped with umbrellas for those who want to protect themselves from the sun. Photo Catherine Bouchard

“It’s exceptional, relaxing and the view.” [depuis la plage] not hindered by any barrier. So it’s a place that I’ll visit every day in the summer because I stay close by,” says Claude Fleury, well protected from the sun under an umbrella.

Émilie Séguin-Larouche (right) with her children Estelle (right), Arthur (centre) and Béatrice (left) and her aunt Fabienne Bernard.

Claude Fleury, a citizen who lives near the new site, will return every day during the summer, she feels so at home there. Photo Catherine Bouchard

With the addition of this third phase – developed between Côte Gilmour and Côte de Sillery – the Promenade Samuel-De Champlain now extends a distance of 6.8 km between Côte de Sillery and the bridge section.

Émilie Séguin-Larouche (right) with her children Estelle (right), Arthur (centre) and Béatrice (left) and her aunt Fabienne Bernard.

The “infinity” pool gives the impression of merging with the river and bathing in it. Photo Catherine Bouchard

The ceremonial inauguration will take place this Wednesday from 11 a.m. and will last until the evening. Several activities are planned, including a musical performance, volleyball and pétanque games, and a DJ happy hour.

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