This genius hack will transform your life around the house and save you tons of money. Try it now.
Halve a roll of kitchen paper it might seem like a rather bizarre gesture. But in this article we will see how very practical and useful this can be in the kitchen and in everyday life. We’re always so busy and it’s not easy finding the time to dedicate to deep cleaning our home. The latest stats confirm that the Italians are always in trouble and that the commitments add up. However The good cleaning of the house is not secondary Because harmful bacteria can be lurking in our homes.
A trick that makes house cleaning easy and cheap –
Also keep your house clean and tidy, although it is exhausting This is important because living in a dirty house is definitely not comfortable for anyone. The most useful way to keep the house tidy without much effort is through crafting small daily tasks that don’t weigh too much But that doesn’t leave us too far behind when it comes to cleaning. If you spend a few minutes every day dusting the furniture or vacuuming the floor, you can keep your home clean without disproportionate effort.
Let’s rethink cleaning in a practical and intelligent way
Another very good strategy is separation time in an efficient way. Experts recommend planning short cleaning moments in your free time or during breaks from work. But pay attention to that too involve other family members in the household.
Short cleaning sessions make everything less difficult –
If in fact it is only the mother who keeps the house clean and tidy, surely everything will be too tiring and it is right to divide the chores. It is a good idea to open the windows every day, at least in the bedroom. Making the bed every morning is always advisable and Clean the kitchen, especially in hot weather. This must be done at a particularly regular rhythm so as not to attract insects and ants.
Speaking of those unwelcome guests in the house: the floor must definitely be mopped every evening and the crumbs must always be picked up from the table, otherwise these insects will certainly arrive with the summer. But let’s see why Cut the roll of kitchen paper in half Not only can it be practical, but it can also be a tool to change house cleaning habits.
Halving the roll is practical and convenient
Household cleaning wipes are commonly found in shopping malls. Normal household cleaning cloths are practical but they have some disadvantages. The biggest of these disadvantages is precisely the price, as the repeated purchase of these wipes is quite expensive in the long run. In addition, regular household cleaning wipes often contain chemicals and additives that make cleaning easier but can raise doubts about health.
Create an economical and healthy tool for house cleaning –
The homemade ones can be made easily by simply taking a regular kitchen roll and slicing it in half. In this way we get cloths for cleaning the house almost free of charge They certainly do not contain any dangerous chemical additives. Here’s how to make them. Take a regular kitchen roll you can find at your local grocery store and cut it in half for easier handling. So you have received two smaller roles.
how to use it
At this point, get one Plastic container with lid. Obviously it must be a case of the right size to accommodate the roll thus obtained. You can add ingredients of your choice to this household cleaning roll White vinegar, lemon juice or other natural cleaning agents which contain no chemicals and can help you clean without polluting your home in any way.
By using natural detergents such as lemon we do not endanger our health –
You need to give the paper roll cut in half time to absorb the ingredients. Therefore, close the lid and leave it on for a few hours Or maybe even all night. If you have opted for totally natural detergents with purifying and antibacterial properties, such as white vinegar or lemon juice, the role that you will receive, in addition to being almost free, is a really excellent ally in cleaning. At this point you need to practice a small hole in the container lid.
Convenient and useful
You can easily pull out the paper soaked with the cleaning solution from this small hole. In fact, when it comes to cleaning, you often have your hands full You need a practical container from which you can remove the wipes without wasting time. When you are not using the wipes container, remember to keep the lid closed Keep them moist and ready for the next use. If you plan your house cleaning well and use these handy, free, do-it-yourself cloths, you can make hygiene in your home less of a burden and more effective.