1688656222 Stoltenberg wants Sweden into NATO Delays help Putin

Stoltenberg wants Sweden into NATO: Delays help Putin

Stoltenberg wants Sweden into NATO Delays help Putin

The invasion of Ukraine by Kremlin troops has also strained strategic alliances on the international stage. One of the problems to be solved is Sweden’s entry into the Atlantic Alliance. NATO Secretary General Urges Fast Membership: Any Delay Would Help Putin’s Russia

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At the high-level meeting with Sweden, Turkey and Finland, we all agreed that Sweden’s full NATO membership is in the security interest of all allies and we all want to complete this process as soon as possible. From the provocations alienating Sweden from the alliance, benefit those who want to split NATO. Any further delay in Sweden’s accession would be welcomed by the PKK and President Putin.” This was stated by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in the press conference at the end of the meeting.