The Green Transition Minister, alarmed by the National Health Security Agency, says he is “in favor of carrying out an analysis of the options”.
Published on 07/07/2023 06:42
Reading time: 1 min
Known for its harmful effects on the environment, octocrylene is found in many sunscreens. (JONATHAN KONITZ / MAXPPP)
ANSES, the National Agency for Food Safety, Environment and Health at Work, is calling for the withdrawal of octocrylene, a chemical found in many sunscreens, Franceinfo announced on Friday July 7th. On May 26, ANSES submitted a request to the government to restrict the substance octocrylene because of its environmental impact.
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As of May 26, ANSES has received no response to its query, an unprecedented standoff reported to the ANSES Board of Directors by staff representatives.
Harmful effects on the environment and possibly carcinogenic
The cabinet of the Ministry of Ecological Transition contacted by franceinfo confirms that it has received a request from ANSES to ban octocrylene in anti-UV filters for sunscreens. Minister Christophe Béchu is “in favor of carrying out an analysis of the options at this stage”. The government reiterates that it “will forward the request at European level to analyze all possible options to eliminate the risks related to octocrylene. The ban supported by France will be one of the options examined in this context”.
Octocrylene is a substance known for its harmful effects on the environment, marine life and corals in particular. Several territories have already banned it in sunscreen products (the United States Virgin Islands or the Marshall Islands). Two years ago, a Franco-American team of researchers also showed that when the tube is opened, this sunscreen converts into a compound thought to be an endocrine disruptor and possibly carcinogenic: benzophenone.
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