In Colombia, 10 FARC commanders are accused of crimes against humanity over kidnapping

(EFE) are the main perpetrators of kidnappings and related crimes. These allegations are raised in Macro Case 01, which is investigating the kidnappings by the guerrilla movement and for which the entire last guerrilla leadership has already been charged.

It is the first of seven regional allegations and concerns the CCC, which operated in the departments of Tolima, Huila and Quindío (south-central Colombia).

The 10 defendants are accused of “war crimes such as hostage-taking, murder, attacks on personal dignity, cruel and inhumane treatment, and crimes against humanity or other serious deprivations of liberty such as murder, enforced disappearance, slavery, violence, sexual abuse, torture, etc. other inhumane.” action,” said the JEP.

The ten defendants are accused of war crimes such as hostage-taking, murder, attacks on personal dignity and cruel and inhuman treatment.

It is Luis Eduardo Rayo, known as Marlon; Enoc Capera Trujillo, Giovanni; Jhon Jairo Oliveros Grisales, Armando Pipas; Nelson Antonio Jimenez Gantiva, Gonzalo; Edgar Ramirez Medina, Onofre Camargo; Víctor Hugo Silva, Erick or the Goat; Raúl Agudelo Medina, Olivo Saldaña and Wilson Ramírez Guzmán, known as Teófilo.

“The JEP found that they had the greatest responsibility for their leadership and because they held command of the six fronts, three columns and three companies, in addition to the financial commissions Manuelita Sáenz and the political René González,” the JEP magistrate said a press conference. JEP Juliet Lemaitre.

These individuals were responsible for “implementing” policies drawn up by the FARC Secretariat regarding the kidnapping, which were used to fund the ex-guerrillas, force the exchange of imprisoned guerrillas, and establish territorial control, according to the JEP, created by the Peace of 2016 was created agreement.

The CCC once had 1,180 members, but was the FARC’s smallest regional structure and carried out the relatively fewest kidnapping cases.

Of the 5,219 registered abduction victims, 111 correspond to this structure, i.

The CCC once had 1,180 members, but was the FARC’s smallest regional structure and carried out the relatively fewest kidnapping cases

Its importance lies in the fact that the CCC ran the Financial Commission Manuelita Sáenz, which “created a complex system of financing through ‘payroll’ extortion, focused on sectors of the region” such as rice, coffee, oil or tariffs on beer and Petrol, explains the magistrate.

“Therefore, in the absence of other sources of funding, they sought to fund the troops and military operations through extortion and kidnapping and wire a fee to the Secretariat,” Lemaitre claimed.

The JEP was established to judge collective crimes and crimes against humanity committed during the Colombian armed conflict with the FARC. For this reason, she offers unrestricted sentences in exchange for the accused telling the truth and reparatory sentences along with the victims.

Because of this, the accused must now, for the next 30 days, admit responsibility for these crimes and then attend hearings to “tell the full, detailed and exhaustive truth and make reparations to the victims.”

Once the JEP and victims feel they have disclosed this truth, they may receive their own sanction. If not, they will be sent to the indictment chamber of the jurisdiction, where they face a trial and prison sentences of up to 20 years. from prison.


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