Im a bodybuilding legend this is how I stay

I’m a bodybuilding legend – this is how I stay fit at 81

A bodybuilding legend is appealing to a new generation of fans by sharing his best training tips on social media at the age of 81.

Frank Zane, three-time Mr. Olympia winner, has more than 213,000 followers on Instagram, where he posts tips for strengthening your mind and body.

The octogenarian has adjusted his fitness routine over the years but still uses weight machines, walks and meditates.

“The important thing is to get a good workout and not talk about it.” “You don’t have to know why something works for it to work,” he explained in a recent post.

Frank Zane, 81, is a bodybuilding pioneer and three-time Mr. Olympia champion

Frank Zane, 81, is a bodybuilding pioneer and three-time Mr. Olympia champion

Zane (pictured in 1982) is one of only three men to have defeated Arnold Schwarzenegger in a contest.  His physique is still hailed as one of the greatest in bodybuilding history

Zane (pictured in 1982) is one of only three men to have defeated Arnold Schwarzenegger in a contest. His physique is still hailed as one of the greatest in bodybuilding history

‘[But] “You have to know the process, you have to know how to do it,” he added. “During a workout, it’s all about the how, not the why.”

Zane was born and raised in Kingston, a coal mining town in Pennsylvania. He discovered bodybuilding after coming across a muscle building magazine as a teenager.

He started exercising at home at age 14 and went from 130 pounds to 160 pounds in three years. He began competitive bodybuilding in college and continued while teaching.

In 1968 he won the Mr. America contest and a week later he won the Mr. Universe title after defeating Arnold Schwarzenegger. Zane is one of only three men to defeat Schwarzenegger.

After moving to California with his wife and fellow bodybuilder Christine, he won the Mr. World title in 1969, followed by the Mr. Universe title in 1970 and 1972.

Zane was crowned Mr. Olympia three years in a row, winning the coveted top spot in 1977, 1978 and 1979.

Four decades later, his famous physique is still hailed as one of the greatest in bodybuilding history.

As health and fitness remains a top priority for the retired bodybuilder, FEMAIL has compiled his top tips to help you look and feel your best.

Do the reps slowly and focus on technique

Zane is a proponent of slow reps to increase the impact of your movement

Zane is a proponent of slow reps to increase the impact of your movement

The former pro bodybuilder (pictured training in 1984) explained that

The former pro bodybuilder (pictured training in 1984) explained that “you don’t have to lift huge weights to build muscle.”

Zane values ​​proper posture when it comes to lifting heavier weights, and he’s a proponent of slow reps to increase the impact of your movement.

“The truth I’ve found is that you don’t have to lift huge weights to build muscle,” he explained. “By tighter form, slower declines, and stretching between sets, you can get incredible pumps from all of your workouts.”

“Numbers are an abstraction, especially for muscle,” he noted. “The secret is that lighter weights feel heavier.”

The former bodybuilder recommends keeping track of your weights, sets, and reps while monitoring your progress.

“As you get stronger, you build muscle and provide strength,” he said. “Progress comes from good form and not cheating on the exercises.”

Take time to stretch

Zane shared that you should always take time to stretch between sets and off-duty

Zane shared that you should always take time to stretch between sets and off-duty

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“By adding stretches between each exercise set, you’ll get a much better workout, better pump, and overall flexibility,” he explained

Zane shared that if you want to see results, you should always make time to stretch.

According to the bodybuilding pioneer, you shouldn’t just stretch at the end of your workout, but between sets as well.

“By adding stretches between each exercise set, you’ll get a much better workout, better pump, and overall flexibility,” he explained.

Zane said that if you’re working a specific body part, you should do about 10 different stretches between sets that target that area.

“Each stretch should last 15 to 20 seconds,” he noted. “After a set you want to rest and get your heart rate down.” This is the ideal recovery tool while you relax during the stretch. It saves a lot of time and keeps you warm.’

Zane advised stretching “whenever you can,” and said swimming is a great activity between workouts “due to the relaxing stretch it has on the body.”

Be aware of your food

Zane eats a high-protein, low-fat, and low-carb diet

Zane eats a high-protein, low-fat, and low-carb diet “to stay healthy” and “to maximize muscle mass growth.”

The bodybuilding legend (pictured with his wife Christine in 1979) emphasized that you should only eat when you're hungry

The bodybuilding legend (pictured with his wife Christine in 1979) emphasized that you should only eat when you’re hungry

Zane has been open about his diet and the importance of listening to your body.

“To stay healthy, maximize muscle growth, and provide enough energy for workouts, I usually follow a high-protein, low-fat, low-carb diet,” he said.

He relied on pre-workout food, consuming protein and carbs before a workout. After training, he would relax and eat when he got hungry, which was sometimes a few hours later.

“It depended on how demanding my training was,” he explained. “When I got hungry, I just ate. “Typically, my first post-workout meal was a protein drink — sort of a protein-carb mix.”

Zane also emphasized that you should only eat when you’re hungry.

“If you don’t force yourself to eat when you’re not hungry, you can burn more fat and look better as a result,” he said.

Practice meditation

Zane has practiced meditation for 50 years.

Zane has practiced meditation for 50 years. “A lot of people don’t realize that the body only grows when it’s completely still,” he said

The fitness guru (pictured with his wife in 1980) noted that deep relaxation is

The fitness guru (pictured with his wife in 1980) noted that deep relaxation is “the most neglected factor in the bodybuilding equation.”

Zane is a longtime supporter of medications, often promoting their benefits on his social media pages and blog.

“I recognized the importance of meditation at an early age and have been practicing it for over 50 years,” he explained. “The effect is wonderful, but the effort to ‘do nothing, turn off the mind, and master the art of boredom’ is an ongoing challenge.”

“Our minds are constantly talking to us, shaping our perception of our world, and entertaining us.” Learning to meditate and practicing it regularly can position you for the best possible development.”

According to Mr. Olympia, deep relaxation is “the most neglected factor in the bodybuilding equation.”

“A lot of people don’t realize that the body only grows when it’s completely still,” he said. “It happens while you’re sleeping, especially in the first four hours.” In addition, I do a deep relaxation meditation for half an hour to an hour.

Have the right attitude

For Zane, achieving his goals has always been about mind over matter.

“Our lives are shaped by our spirit.” “We become what we think,” he explained. “Action follows thought.” What we think leads to what we say leads to what we do. So having the right thoughts and evoking the right behaviors is important.”

Zane believes that consistent hard work is more important than genetics when it comes to building the best possible physique.

He found that consistency and discipline allow you to outperform bodybuilders who have “ideal genes” but are lazy.

“Having the right attitude has been and still is my secret to success!” he said.