1688771757 According to preliminary data deforestation in the Amazon fell by

According to preliminary data, deforestation in the Amazon fell by 34% in the first half of the year

According to preliminary data deforestation in the Amazon fell by

The radical change in Brazilian environmental policy since Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva returned to power is gradually becoming apparent in the measurements. Illegal deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon fell by 34% in the first half of this year compared to the same period in 2022, according to preliminary data presented by the branch’s minister Marina Silva on Thursday. This drop, which will have to be confirmed by consolidated data in a few months, means something for President Lula, who took power on January 1 and since his election victory has asked the international community for a vote of confidence, support and money to protect the largest jungle the world, which is essential for curbing global warming.

Minister Silva, a tireless activist who also led the Lula government’s environmental policy 20 years ago, explained that “the decline in deforestation in the Amazon is due to a series of measures that include increased inspections and embargoes.” [a los infractores] by Ibama [el Instituto Brasileño de Medio Ambiente] “This is due to the coordinated action with states and the deterrence process conducted by demonstrating that there will be no collusion with the criminals,” UOL reports said.

In stark contrast to the four years of Jair Bolsonaro, who failed environmental regulators, promoted the exploitation of the Amazon’s riches, and attempted to get Congress to authorize mining on indigenous land, which would have meant legalizing an activity which is now banned is illegal although it is widely used.

No doubt Lula and his government will mark this decline as a tangible result of Brazil’s renewed commitment to fighting the climate emergency. Mercosur, the South American bloc whose biggest partner is Brazil, is in bitter negotiations with the European Union to shut down the outskirts and ratify a trade deal both parties say they want, but are being backed by European demands for greenness and toughness is important to critics of Latin Americans. The semester that has just begun, with Spain presiding over the EU and Brazil presiding over Mercosur, is an opportunity to finalize the pact that will multiply bilateral trade.

The Minister for the Environment and Climate Change apparently released a preliminary tally showing that 2,649 kilometers of tropical forest in the Amazon were destroyed between January and June. In contrast, illegal logging is increasing in the Cerrado biome. However, all these data collected by the satellites of the Institute for Space Research (INPE, that’s the Portuguese acronym) are not the ideal data to measure deforestation, since they are not based on the area affected by illegal logging, but on measurements less accurate information designed to raise the alarm so authorities can respond. They usually indicate a trend.

The Brazilian Amazon has lost 11,500 kilometers, according to the latest annual deforestation tally, compiled using consolidated data and coinciding with the end of Bolsonaro’s tenure and released in December. This reading represented a trend reversal and an 11% drop.

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These new deforestation numbers are a breath of fresh air for the President and his foreign policy, which places a significant emphasis on protecting the Amazon. Preserving the biodiversity of this jungle, which on its Brazilian side occupies an area equal to that of the European Union, is key to containing the climate crisis, as shown by the fact that this week the planet experienced the warmest days in history. And deforestation is the yardstick by which the international community measures Brazil’s ecological performance.

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