Sending cluster bombs to Ukraine is desperation says Russia

Sending cluster bombs to Ukraine is desperation, says Russia

On Friday (July 7), the US announced that it will send munitions to Kiev that have the potential to turn areas into minefields


Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on Saturday (July 8, 2023) commented on the US decision to send cluster bombs to Ukraine. In Zakharova’s assessment, it is a “gesture of desperation” at Ukraine’s failure.

“The transfer of cluster bombs [dos EUA à Ucrânia] “It is a gesture of desperation and a sign of impotence in the face of the failure of the muchtouted Ukrainian ‘counteroffensive,'” he said.

According to the spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, “the next ‘miracle weapon’ that Washington and Kiev are counting on without thinking about the serious consequences will not have any impact on the course of a special military operation, the goals and objectives of which will be fully achieved”.

While Zakharova disputed the potential of munitions to disrupt the conflict, she stressed the potential of these types of weapons to keep landmines active at launch sites for decades.

“Washington will be complicit in the mine saturation of the territory and bears full responsibility for the casualties caused by the blasts, including Russian and Ukrainian children,” he said.

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On Friday (July 7), US President Joe Biden approved the deployment of cluster bombs in Kiev as part of a new military aid package.

US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said Ukraine had pledged to use the munitions “with caution”. He also stated that USmade guns had a lower failure rate.

Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikovque thanked the US in a statement. It states that the munitions “will not be used on the officially recognized territory of Russia” and undertakes to “inform partners about the use of these munitions and their effectiveness in order to ensure an appropriate standard of transparent reporting and control”.