Elise Guilbault less present at Bonsoir bonsoir heres why

Élise Guilbault less present at Bonsoir bonsoir: here’s why – Showbizz.net

If Élise Guilbault was very present at Bonsoir bonsoir last season, this year she is more discreet.

Yes, there are a lot of collaborators on this show and everyone should have a chance, but that’s not the main reason the actress stopped visiting her boyfriend Jean-Philippe Wauthier this spring.

“When I did I Come to You, we made an agreement with the producers that I wasn’t going to do the two together, so I didn’t start with them [l’équipe de Bonsoir bonsoir] in April so I became her stylist for a while because it was a bit complicated, it’s still chronicles. You have to be a little careful there. I don’t want to upset anyone either,” she told us when we met her for her role in Le temps d’unété.

Still, she clarifies, “If he doesn’t call me, I’ll call her,” and stresses that she’s keen to resume her role as a staffer on the Radio-Canada talk show.

We love seeing Élise Guilbault in this new role of variety columnist. She explains to us that this split in her career was due to a defect. In interviews, she tended to jump from rooster to donkey in her answers. “My thinking goes too fast. I cross out a sentence, I make brackets that are too big, I no longer know what my main topic is. […] But that has become an advantage,” she says.

She thanks Jean-Philippe Wauthier for purchasing this new string for her bow. The latter allowed him to join the team of “The Evening is Still Young” and then the team of “Good Evening, Good Evening”. “With Jean-Philippe, I share some responsibility for the death,” she explains.

“The big dramas that I’ve done for 25 years really mean less to me. I’m glad that’s happening. […] It’s like the beginning of a new era. I really enjoy creating variety. »

We hope to see her in the rather humorous role she excels at for a long time to come!

Keep in mind that in the next fictional role we will see her in, she will have white hair and no makeup. See it here.