The Europe Platform for Cuba sees the peoples summit as

The Europe Platform for Cuba sees the peoples’ summit as a space for defending sovereignty

The Europe Platform for Cuba sees the peoples summit as

Jose Antonio Toledo.

PARIS, 11 July (RHC) The Europe for Cuba channel this Tuesday welcomed the popular summit that will meet in Brussels and added his voice to the message of its participants in defense of the sovereignty of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Speaking to Prensa Latina on behalf of the Solidarity Platform launched almost three years ago, José Antonio Toledo stressed the importance of the forum scheduled for July 17th and 18th as a space to call for the building of a new international order, based on mutual respect between the States and cooperation is shaped and multilateralism.

These are essential principles for peace and solving global challenges ranging from poverty to climate change to wars, he warned.

The People’s Summit will meet in the Belgian capital in parallel with the summit between the European Union (EU) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac).

Toledo denounced that CELAC countries like Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela were under attack for choosing to go their own way without interference from the United States.

In the case of the island, the European Coordinator for Cuba recalled that it was facing more than 60 years of economic, commercial and financial blockade by Washington, as well as campaigns of slander and destabilization.

“Our platform has confirmed that Cuba is not alone and enjoys global support and solidarity,” he said.

In his greeting to the peoples’ summit in Brussels, the broadcaster emphasized that he was available to fight against US imperialism and to defend sovereignty and self-determination. (Source:PL)