Valeria Marini says to herself: "A year of love with Jovanotti. The mortadella scene? Surreal"

“On the first appointment, Vittorio Cecchi Gori made me wait an hour to get a manicure.”

Valeria Marini is an icon of Italian television, born in Rome but adopted Sardinian. In fact, after the separation of his parents, he spent his childhood on the island, in his mother’s family home: “a playground with rabbits, chickens and little cousins”, as he recalled in an interview with Corriere della Sera.

Valeria Marini and VIP friends

The showgirl returns from engagement in the film Billie’s Magic World in which he recites with William Baldwin and Alec Baldwin“I was the only one who didn’t get it wrong,” she confided to last fall’s Corriere della Sera interview and Corriere della Sera knockoffs Such and which show. Next season it’s the friend/foe’s turn Pamela Prati Face off against the provocative judge Cristiano Malgioglio, with whom Valeria Marini often quarreled in the last edition. Who knows if, from September, she will root for whoever replaced Bagaglino, who allegedly scratched her: “No, come on, it was a moment of jealousy, we broke up and we’re friends, envy doesn’t belong to me.” “. Among the friends in the entertainment world counts Antonella Clerici, Simona Ventura, Milly Carlucci, Carlo Conti and Renato Zero who is his neighbor “One evening he and Giorgio Panariello cooked me some amazing cream spaghetti.”

a life on television

The relationship with her mother has always been very strong: “She taught me important values ​​such as loyalty, sincerity, generosity and stubbornness: wanting is power”, aspects that, as she remembers Valeria Marini, They always accompany her and have made her a point of reference. “I’m an optimist, even in the difficult moments I’ve had. I turn difficulties into beautiful things. Like this morning, I sprained my foot and walked slowly, I took the opportunity to take a selfie with everyone.” He has had many important experiences on television Baggage “It was an incredible success.” Along with Dawn Parietti They had a lot of fun at World Evening, he remembers: “The numbers together became a cult.” Del Sanremo from 1997 with Mike Bongiorno And Chiambretti She recalls the red Dior dress the Chiambretti Angel pulled up and hung at the Ariston: “I was almost naked underneath and it showed.” “Mike was jogging and jumping backstage to warm up,” during Pippo Baudo recalls that he is “the encyclopedia of television, I prepared the questions and he changed them all, but I didn’t mind”. It underscores a curiosity since all the greats like Baudo, Chiambretti, Bongiorno and Alberto Sordi are “all twins”.

Valeria Marini and the film “Doll”

The iconic scene on the mortadella immortalized the character of Valeria Marini Puppet by Bigas Luna. Marini defines it as ‘surreal’: ‘No embarrassment, but the first one is as good as always for me.’ Another iconic scene from this film was with the eel, which was the director’s invention: ‘It seemed sexy to him, the male one Leading actor Jorge Perugorria was at a loss. The eel stank, I fired without breathing, but Dollo broke the bank by defeating Mission Impossible At. The Venice Film Festival was like a stadium with the lights off.”

loves Jovanotti and Cecchi Gori

Among the men she loved Valeria Marini with the Corriere della Sera he remembered Young people whom she met in a club in Porto Rotondo where she was the image girl: “He was the DJ, we were very young. Wonderful, cheerful, playful, he taught me to look at the stars in the sky on the night of San Lorenzo.” . It took a year,” and the showgirl admits that he kissed well. For three years she was with Vittorio Cecchi Gori, a relationship tormented by the entrepreneur’s lawsuits. “He conquered me with a huge bunch of roses. He invited me to his house and made me wait an hour because he was doing his manicure.” In the interview with Corsera, Valeria Marini does not confirm that she also helped him financially by paying Fiorentina’s salaries, as was rumored said: “Money has no value for me, he deserves it. If he had followed my advice, he would still be “Vittorio Cecchi Gori from the Oscars”. About the search at the Palazzo Borghese, he says that “it was staged to ruin him”. She doesn’t like to talk about her other men like Giovanni Cottone, to whom she married but then got the annulment after four months, “fortunately I got rid of her in time”. The only other man he fondly remembers is Patrick Baldassarri, who he says is “part of my family.” She wasn’t lucky in love, but she has no regrets: “I prefer to judge mistakes well in order to take revenge.”

July 11 – 7:48 p.m