Rape videos found on football coachs cell phone

Rape videos found on football coach’s cell phone

An amateur football coach has been arrested by Tennessee police after videos of unconscious children being raped were found on his cell phone. Camilo Hurtado Campos was arrested for child rape and sexual exploitation of minors.

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Police said they were alerted after staff at a restaurant found a mobile phone and when they touched the device to look for information about who might be the owner, they saw the pornographic material. “Instead, they found dozens of unscrupulous videos and photos of children, so they called the police,” the US authorities’ press release said.

Investigations into the rape case of a football coach

The investigation found hundreds of pictures and videos on the 63yearold’s phone. Police further allege that Campos “filmed himself raping unconscious boys between the ages of about 9 and 17.”

The football coach is accused of raping at least ten children. According to the statement, investigators were able to identify three victims.

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“Five others that we didn’t know were also performing,” he says. “We are nowhere near the end of our review of the evidence in this horrific case,” the statement concluded. Franklin, Tennessee Police Department.

Camilo Hurtado Campos

The coach frequently visited the playgrounds of schools in the area, where he approached children and “recruited” them to play football. After winning the young man’s trust, he called him to his home.

Franklin Police are still trying to identify the remaining children and want to hear from anyone connected to Campos.

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