How a paper hidden in a sofa helped solve the

How a paper hidden in a sofa helped solve the controversy over the fate of Aretha Franklin’s multimillion dollar fortune

When Aretha Franklin died in 2018, she left no will and since then the fate of her fortune has been the subject of controversy, court cases and family disputes.

However, a handwritten document by the singer found on her couch after her death is considered a valid will in Michigan, a jury concluded Tuesday.

Is a victory for Kecalf Franklin and Edward Franklinwhose attorneys had argued that 2014 documents were intended to overturn a 2010 will discovered around the same time in a locked closet at the Queen of Soul’s suburban Detroit home.

The jury deliberated for less than an hour after a brief trial that began Monday. After the verdict was read, Aretha Franklin’s grandchildren stepped forward from the front row to hug Kecalf and Edward.

“I’m very, very happy. “I just wanted my mother’s wishes to be granted,” Kecalf Franklin said. “Let’s just exhale now. It’s been a long five years for my family, my children“.

Aretha Franklin, who was a global star for decades and known for hits like “Think,” “I Say a Little Prayer” and “Respect,” left no formal will when she died at the age of 76.

But in 2018, documents with scrawls and passages that were difficult to decipher suddenly surfaced. when a niece walked through the house looking for files.

When Franklin died of pancreatic cancer in August 2018, it was understood he had not prepared a will for about $6 million in real estate, cash, gold records and furs, and royalties on his music, which continue to add up to a significant amount Amount. amount of money to his assets.

In the closing arguments, attorneys for two of Franklin’s sons noted that this was the case The 2014 documents were found in a notebook hidden between the cushions of a sofa this did not make them any less important.

“You can take your will and leave it on the kitchen counter. It’s still your will‘ Attorney Charles McKelvie told the jury.

Another attorney, Craig Smith, referred to the first line of the document, which was shown enlarged on four large placards in front of the jury.

“It says here: ‘This is my will.’ She speaks from the grave,” Smith said of Franklin.

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What Was the Aretha Franklin Will Controversy?

Kecalf and Edward teamed up against his brother Ted White II who 2010 will favor. White’s attorney, Kurt Olson, said the 2010 document is classified. He said it was far more significant than the papers found on the couch.

“We were here to see what the jury found. we will live with itOlson said after the verdict.

The jury concluded that the 2014 version was signed by Aretha Franklin, who had put a smiley face on the letter “A”.

Olson said there may still be discussions with the judge about whether to honor some provisions of the 2010 will.

Franklin’s executors paid bills, Liquidate tax debts in the millions and generated revenue from music licenses and other intellectual property.

However, the will dispute was an unresolved matter.

There are differences between the 2010 and 2014 versions, although both suggest Franklin’s four children would share music and royalties earnings.

What does Aretha Franklin’s will say found on a sofa?

But under the 2014 will, Kecalf Franklin and his grandchildren would get their mother’s main home in Bloomfield Hills, It was valued at $1.1 million when she died and is worth much more today.

The oldest will states that Kecalf, 53, and Edward Franklin, 64, “must take business courses and earn a certificate or degree” to benefit from the estate. This provision is not included in the 2014 version.

White, who played guitar with Aretha Franklin, testified against the 2014 will and said her mother would normally have important documents dealt with “in a conventional and legal manner” and with the help of a lawyer. Immediately after the verdict was announced, he did not comment on the matter.

The clearest comments at the trial came from Smith, representing Edward Franklin. He told the jury that White “wants to disinherit both of his brothers.” Teddy wants everything.

Kecalf Franklin sat next to White during the trial, but they did not appear to be speaking to each other.

“I love my brother with all my heart”Kecalf said in court when asked if there had been a break.

Aretha Franklin had a fourth child, Clarence Franklin, who lives under guardianship in an assisted living facility and was not a party to the lawsuit.

She dreamed of reaching the pinnacle of aviation and became the first Hispanic female military pilot in the United States.