His dog finds a python with 60 eggs ready to

His dog finds a python with 60 eggs ready to lay: What he does is terrifying Ecoo

A large, pregnant Burmese python with 60 eggs ready to lay was found by a reptile hunter’s dog.

Mike Kimmel and Otto with a python (Instagram) – Ecoo.it

the the Burmese pythons it is one of more invasive species that we know, even in the live Everglades National Park, Florida, and their dangerousness has been extensively tested. Indeed, as we have recalled on other occasions, this is the case with these reptiles fear of civilians of the area and are able to do so swallow prey really very big. Even their brood can multiply dozens and dozens of specimens similar to them and that is why Mike Kimmel, a snake hunterHe wanted to intervene drastically.

The dog finds a Burmese python with 60 eggs and its owner is “forced” to act quickly…

Mike Kimmel with one of his dogs and a booty (Instagram) – Ecoo.it

The man calls himself Python cowboy and it is one real star of instagram, yet some of his behaviors are considered very excessive. According to Martin County Trapping & Wildlife Rescue, his final recovery The capture of a Burmese python is considered a blow to this invasive species, but perhaps the images Kimmel has released to document the feat are just overdone.

This big python was a female specimen and it was pregnant with 60 eggs: in a post on social networks dated a few days ago but slowly going viral, maybe exactly due to some very rough pictures Kimmel explained that he was the one who found it his dog Otto. The animal with which the python hunter is virtually inseparable was indeed trained for this kind of discovery, and once again it seems that it didn’t fail.

The find comes very close to that of another record-breaking clutch of Burmese pythonswhich you will recall is not a native specimen of the Everglades Park area, but it was “imported” Due to a nefarious trend in the 1970’s, having one at home was something of a status symbol. In the case of the python found by dog ​​Otto in the past few hours, it was almost five meters long and forced Mike Kimmel to take urgent action.

What happened to the female python pregnant with 60 eggs? Obscene “show”!

It keeps reading Facebook site from Martin County Trapping & Wildlife Rescue that “removal like this is absolutely critical to our native wildlife in this ecosystem and will make a difference.” Indeed, it’s snakes very invasivewhat they are at the top of the food chain and for this reason it is undoubtedly important to avoid that they do not multiply. So far we agree, but there is an enigmatic detail in this story, represented by this photograph, that We opted for pixelation.

The python with 60 eggs ready to hatch (Instagram) – Ecoo.it

In fact, “Python Cowboy” shared a photo on his social media showing part of the large eggs of the Burmese python, later kill the big reptile. The question is: was it really necessary? document In this way, massacres occur again and again, as they did some time ago A Burmese python was killed in Florida and that he had swallowed a five foot alligator – he did Wildlife expert Rosie Moore? In our opinion not. Kimmel has saved various animals in the past deadly bite of pythons in the Everglades, but we’re confident he can do it without having to document the most macabre details, and nature would be grateful to him anyway.