1689229351 Nacho Martin Blanco PP Sanchezs only policy in Catalonia was

Nacho Martín Blanco (PP): “Sánchez’s only policy in Catalonia was to please his partners”

Nacho Martin Blanco PP Sanchezs only policy in Catalonia was

Nacho Martín Blanco (Barcelona, ​​40 years old) is the PP candidate for Barcelona, ​​replacing Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo. Until a month and a half ago, he was spokesman for the Ciudadanos in Parliament.

Q In the local elections, he campaigned for Ciudadanos. Isn’t that a strange situation?

R No, Ciudadanos has gone into decline and given my own political history, it is understandable that I have joined the PP lists in elections like these. Spain plays a lot. I feel identified with what Feijóo represents both in terms of content and form. The movement is understandable, reasonable and predictable.

Q Within two days he went from Ciudadanos’ resignation candidate to the top of the PP list. Do you worry that you might be called an apostate?

R It has nothing to do with apostates. On the contrary: it is an opportunity to focus and regroup the centre-right voice, the voice of reason. I did things the way I should. I have many friends in Ciudadanos, but the project is difficult to continue. You don’t have to think twice about being proposed as the leader of the PP list. If you want to continue doing something for your country out of humility, it is absolutely necessary.

You don’t have to think twice when you’re proposed as the leader of the PP list. It is inalienable,” says the Ciudadanos exporter, too

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Q Who suggested it?

R It comes straight from Feijóo and its immediate surroundings. After the Ciudadanos board, I proposed the dissolution of the party and my resignation. I’ve had friends in the PP for years with whom I share the vision of Catalonia.

Q In the last elections, the PP chose Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo. Is it a profile change?

R I like to think that there are more similarities between us than differences. I have respect, affection and admiration for him. It is strong politics and intellectually very prepared.

Q What is at stake for you in these elections?

R They have historical significance. We are risking the quality of democracy. The Socialist Party has crossed red lines, for example by placing the government of Spain in the hands of parties that want to liquidate the coexistence of Spaniards. With Bildu, a pathetic party, Sánchez has crossed the Rubicon. Sanchismo has degraded institutions and institutionalized lies. It is an ethical and moral imperative that it end once and for all.

Q What do you mean by institutionalizing lies?

R He said, for example, that he would not sleep easy if he had to rule with Podemos, and it seems he is doing so of his own free will at Moncloa. Or that it is reforming riots to standardize them in Europe.

Q What’s wrong with raising pensions by 8.5% or the minimum wage by 47%? These are two measures that the government is asking for

R What is bad is the moment they are announced in an electoral and opportunistic way. But I’m not against them.

Q Illa believes Catalonia can tip the scales. In 2019 the gap between PSC (13) and PP (2) was 11 seats. What is your destination?

R I am convinced that it will not be so. This historical difference between PSC and PP can be significantly reduced. We can get a great result: six MEPs for Barcelona and ten for all of Catalonia.

Q PSC says Catalonia is better than 2017. Do you agree?

R This is relative. Sánchez’s only policy was to placate the Catalan nationalists. It has granted them pardons, abolished the crime of sedition and lowered penalties for embezzlement, which we will reverse. He has not spoken to the whole of Catalan society: he has only devoted himself to the satisfaction of his partners. It’s a delicate and poisoned calm. I would be happy if the companies that left due to the process would return.

I am in favor of center-of-centre agreements and consensus among the major parties. If Sánchez is afraid of Vox, he should support the candidate with the most votes, as Feijóo told him.

Q He abhors the pacts with ERC. And doesn’t it bother you that the PP agrees with Vox that they deny rights and social gains and censor culture?

R I am in favor of center-of-centre agreements and consensus among the major parties. If Sánchez is afraid of Vox, he should accept the pact Feijóo proposed to invest the candidate with the most votes. And ERC violated the constitution and Vox, although it was against the autonomous state, no.

Q Is it possible that the PP will govern with Vox if they want to abolish the autonomies?

R We are aiming for an absolute majority, and if not, our program should prevail. And one of its currencies is the autonomous state.

Q The Socialists reiterate that the PP does not have a project for Catalonia and that they use it in elections

R It is not true. Feijóo gives him priority. He came 10 times a year. I don’t think there are many more autonomous politicians in Spain than him.

Q He was in favor of reintroducing the same principle in the Barcelona Provincial Council as in the City Council, where the votes of the PP and the Popular Party came together to appoint Jaume Collboni as mayor. They finally settled with TotxTerrassa. Why didn’t it work this time?

R It seems that the polity has returned to sectarianism. I worry that they despise the PP, but even more that they despise their constituents. It is a widespread sectarianism, but the PP did not want to bring itself to enter into a pact either.

It seems that the polity has returned to sectarianism with the agreement reached in the Barcelona Provincial Council. The PP would not bring itself to enter into a pact.

Q Alejandro Fernández, the party’s president, has opted not to be included in the PP lists for reasons of consistency and recalls that he was once against the people leaving Catalan politics. Does this gesture anticipate a change in the leadership of the party?

R It seems to me to be one of the greatest virtues of Catalan constitutionalism. He is a powerful politician with an undeniable career and one of the best orators in Parliament. I wish you a long life in terms of the PP. He is an indispensable politician to continue defending constitutionalism in Catalonia and Spanish unity in our country.

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