Diaz Canel gets back on plane to Portugal and confirms

Díaz Canel gets back on plane to Portugal and confirms he’s going to CELAC EU summit

At dawn, Miguel Díaz-Canel announced a trip to Portugal this Thursday to “visit Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa”.which he described as “a commitment postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic” and which “has the purpose of broadening the historic relationship” between the two governments, said the President himself on your Twitter account.

“We travel to the Portuguese Republic at the invitation of its President, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa. We will be making a state visit that has been postponed due to the pandemic. “It will be an excellent opportunity to expand our historical ties,” he wrote in a thread in which he also… confirmed its participation in the CELAC-EU Summit (Community of Latin American and Caribbean States – European Union).

“Then we will attend the CELAC-EU summit. Cuba, which sees CELAC as the unified voice of Latin America and the Caribbean, will approach this meeting with a constructive spirit and will help to strengthen the ties between the two regional blocs. “Based on equality and respect” said Diaz-Canel.

in one European Parliament resolution this Wednesday condemning the systematic violations and abuses of human rights in Cubathe European Council was asked to do this Impose sanctions on those responsible for these ongoing violations, starting with Díaz-Canelas a prominent figure in the chain of command of the Cuban security forces, along with other senior officials in the Cuban government.

The European Parliament considered that the EU-CEALC summit, to be held in Brussels on 17-18 July, It is an opportunity to defend the principles of the rule of law, democracy and human rights. According to MEPs, autocratic regimes should not take part in these meetings between countries that share democratic values ​​and respect human rights. MEPs encouraged European leaders to issue a statement calling for respect for human rights in both regions, paying particular attention to the situation in Cuba.

In this context, The resolution also denounced the Cuban regime’s support for Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraineand his defense of Russia and Belarus. The European Parliament regretted that this position did not prompt the EU to act.

About the resolution Pro-Castro voices such as that of MEP Manu Pineda, Secretary for International Relations of the Spanish Communist PartyYou said the EP had once again become an “instrument of the extreme right”. Pineda described the motion as “anti-Cuban what wet paper is.”

“Looking for Make noise against Cuba and torpedo the EU-CELAC summit and our peoples’ summit“, said on Twittera message repeated by Díaz-Canel himself.

To thank him for his dedication to the regime, Díaz-Canel wrote: “A big hug @ManuPineda, to you and to all of Cuba’s friends in Europe, who are numerous and dear to our hearts. We will be with you because the voice of our people is our voice. #CelacUE Summit #CumbreDeLosPueblos2023”.

The official Union of Cuban Journalists (UPEC) released a statement modeled on the National Assembly of People’s Power, in which it called the resolution against the Eurochamber regime “interference”.

According to the text, published on the official website Cubadebate, UPEC accused the supporters of the resolution against the regime of “having no morality even to speak out on Cuba” and “acting on orders from the United States”.

“The hackneyed issue of human rights – so systematically violated in many European countries – is once again being seized upon by those who should be most concerned about what happened to the protesters who peacefully took to the streets of France to protest to protest the death of someone “The young man was attacked by the French police,” said UPEC, which never questioned the repression by the regime’s forces when thousands of people flocked to the island in the 11th century to demonstrate.

“It is also shameful that those who claim to be acting in the name of democracy Try to torpedo an event like the CELAC-EU summitwhich would represent an important moment, at least for Latin American nations, to talk about cooperation, non-interference and action to save the planet from the harmful effects of climate change, among other things,” the text added.

The Union of Cuban Journalists, which describes itself as “part of Cuban civil society” that controls the regime and responds to its interests, condemned “this type of intervention by the European Parliament” and defended “the existence of CELAC.” as part of the urgently needed process of Latin American integration”.

“We condemn with all our might that extreme right-wing political groups are trying to do this turn the aforementioned summit into a miserable circuswith space for sick clowns unable to promote dialogue, cooperation and solidarity between the inhabitants of two regions closely linked by culture, language and history,” he concluded.

This was said by the regime’s foreign minister, Bruno Rodríguez, on Monday 10 July The European bloc’s “lack of transparency” and “manipulative behavior” could ruin the success of the third CELAC-EU summit.

Rodríguez’s statements referred, without quoting, to the criticism voiced in Europe of Havana’s participation in the meetingparticularly in the European Parliament, where numerous voices have questioned the presence of representatives from Havana, Caracas and Managua because of their apparent violations of human rights.