Sadiq Khan Allows Filmmakers To Color Admiral Nelson Pink For

Sadiq Khan Allows Filmmakers To Color Admiral Nelson Pink For The New Barbie Movie

  Nelson's (above) triumph at Trafalgar gave Britain control of the seas and laid the foundation for Britain's world power for more than a century

Nelson’s (above) triumph at Trafalgar gave Britain control of the seas and laid the foundation for Britain’s world power for more than a century

The Battle of Trafalgar, fought on October 21, 1805, is one of the most epic naval battles in history.

In doing so, Britain not only eliminated the greatest security threat in 200 years, but also the death of British naval hero Admiral Lord Nelson.

This did not happen before he won what was probably the most decisive victory of the Napoleonic Wars with his risky but extremely courageous strategy. Nelson’s triumph gave Britain control of the seas and laid the foundation for Britain’s world power for more than a century.

Despite the signing of a peace treaty in 1803, the two nations were at war and fought each other on seas around the world.

After Spain allied with France in 1804, newly crowned French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte had enough ships to challenge Britain.

In October 1805, French admiral Pierre-Charles Villeneuve led a combined French and Spanish fleet of 33 ships from the Spanish port of Cadiz against Nelson and Vice-Admiral Cuthbert Collingwood.

The Battle of Trafalgar, fought on October 21, 1805, is one of the most epic naval battles in history.  In doing so, Britain not only eliminated the greatest security threat in 200 years, but also the death of British naval hero Admiral Lord Nelson

The Battle of Trafalgar, fought on October 21, 1805, is one of the most epic naval battles in history. In doing so, Britain not only eliminated the greatest security threat in 200 years, but also the death of British naval hero Admiral Lord Nelson

Nelson, fresh from the hunt for Villeneuve in the Caribbean, led the 27-ship fleet attack on HMS Victory while Vice-Admiral Collingwood sailed on the Royal Sovereign.

Until then, naval battles had been largely inconclusive, as each ship had to berth side by side (broadside) in order to fire at the opposing ship, often resulting in equal damage.

Nelson bucked this trend by attacking the line of the combined fleet head-on – and sailing perpendicularly towards the fleet, exposing the British to heavy fire.

He attacked in two columns to split the United Fleet line and target Admiral Villneuve’s flagship.

11.30 Lord Nelson famously declared that ‘England expects everyone to do their duty’, referring to the order that the ships were instructed to think for themselves. The captains had been informed of the battle plan three weeks in advance and were trusted to act boldly on their own initiative and adapt to changing circumstances – unlike their opponents who stuck to their command.

Vice-Admiral Cuthbert Collingwood led the first column, charged the rear of the line and broke through.

Nelson sailed straight for the head of the combined fleet to dissuade them from retreating to defend the rear guard. But before he could, he changed course to attack the center of the line – and Villeneuve’s flagship.

HMS Victory raced towards the center of the line, finding no place to break through as Villeneuve’s flagship was being closely pursued – forcing Nelson to break through at close range.

In the heat of the moment and surrounded on three sides, Nelson was fatally shot in the chest by a well-trained French musketeer.

The advanced guard of the United Fleet finally began to come to the aid of Admiral Villeneuve, but British ships launched a counterattack.

Admiral Villeneuve, along with many other ships of the United Fleet, lowered his flag and surrendered.

1614 HMS Victory Captain Thomas Masterman Hardy went below deck to congratulate Nelson on his victory.

4:30 pm Lord Nelson died, knowing he had won the victory, but before the battle was officially over.

At 17:30, the French ship Achille exploded, signaling the end of the battle – a total of 17 Combined Fleet ships surrendered.

…so did Nelson really say “kiss me, Hardy” in his last words?

By RICHARD CREASY for the Chron (in a 2007 article)

It was Britain’s greatest naval victory and historians have analyzed every detail for more than 200 years.

Amazingly, a new eyewitness account of the Battle of Trafalgar has now surfaced during a house clearance.

It offers not only a first-hand look at what’s going on below decks, but also a different interpretation of one of history’s most enduring arguments – the last words of Admiral Lord Nelson.

Robert Hilton was a 21-year-old fellow officer on HMS Swiftsure, a 74-gun ship that did its part in destroying the French and Spanish fleets and realizing Napoleon’s dream of invading England.

It was 13 days after Swiftsure had made it through storms to Gibraltar for repairs when Hilton picked up his pen on November 3, 1805, and wrote a nine-page letter home.

In it he says that Nelson’s last words, conveyed to his ship’s crew by Nelson’s flag captain, Captain Hardy, were: “I lived long enough then.”

A lot of people think Nelson said, “Kiss me, Hardy.”

But historians rely on his surgeon’s reports that he said, “Thank God I did my duty.”