Horoscope of the day: See what the stars are saying for this Thursday (07/13)

reason and emotion

Star Date: Waning Moon in Gemini

Reason and emotion are only antagonistic in the warped imagination of our humanity because they walk side by side and feed off each other. This is the true reality that we all live constantly and to deny it it is necessary to invent arguments that seem very perspicacious, but what intelligence would that be that we would put at the service of ignoring reality and their natural functioning?

Because we are an intelligent kingdom, we invented the unconscious to try and ignore our instinctively emotional truths. Because we are intelligent, we invent lies to ignore what is not convenient for us. But because we are an intelligent kingdom, we also have the potential to be noble and sublime. And we stop pretending to be ignorant and ignorant.

Aries (born between 03/21 and 04/20)

Enjoy the small and fleeting moments of comfort and security as these need to be celebrated properly as they are not the dominant tone of today. They are necessary, they are essential, they are desirable.

TAURUS (born between April 21st and May 20th)

Around him, within reach, are myriad instruments, waiting to be used. Before you go in search of novelty, start by using everything that is available.

TWINS (born between 05/21 and 06/20)

Explaining what is happening or clarifying your settings would require some pretty sophisticated mental juggling. However, you are not able to do this, but is it worth it?

CANCER (born between 06/21 and 07/21)

If people cannot get together spontaneously, you must intervene vigorously to make the meeting happen. It is in everyone’s interest to join forces, but distractions remain. Overcome.

LEO (born between 07/22 and 08/22)

It’s better to be discreet and not ask for opinions on what you’re up to because if you open your mind, others will get in your way and you’ll probably stop doing what’s available to you at the moment .

VIRGIN (born between 08/23 and 09/22)

Everything always gets easier and more enjoyable with the help of likeminded people, and although everyone is busy with their own things, it’s a time when it pays to reach out and find a few people you trust.

LIBRA (born between 09/23 and 10/22)

Avoid dwelling on the considerations because even if they are attractive and demanding, you would miss the chance to do something concrete to solve the problems, something that your thinking would not be possible.

SCORPIO (born between 09/23 and 11/21)

You see, your urgency does not match this moment, since the decisions are not in your hands, nor could you rush things by pressurizing others. The greater the pressure, the greater the delay.

SAGITTARIUS (born between 11/22 and 12/21)

Many complications arise at the same time and the first reaction will be nervousness. However, if you get past this stage quickly, you will see some benefits in this scenario as well. Regard.

CAPRICORN (born between 12/22 and 01/20)

Even if social life makes you a little lazy and you prefer to keep your distance, this is a time when the best opportunities arise in the complex web of social relationships.

AQUARIUS (born between 01/21 and 02/19)

The moment is full of potential and your soul will not be able to use all of it. Therefore, it is necessary to make decisions with a practical spirit, leaving aside the most beautiful and demanding dreams for the time being.

PISCES (born between 02/20 and 03/20)

Everything in the human world starts with an idea, which doesn’t have to be great, after all, not all people fly high, but they all depend on the ideas that come to mind to move forward in life.