It happened on July 13 West Magazine

It happened on July 13 West Magazine

Happened on July 13th

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Discover some interesting facts about the history of Brazil and the world that happened on this day

Victor Marcolin

July 13, 2023 6:00 am A+

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July 13th The first World Cup was held in Uruguay in 1930. Imagem/History Channel | reproduction

Learn about some of the most important events that took place in July 13th in the history. Check out some interesting facts about science, history, general culture, literature and why not? Politics.


  • (1586) AngloSpanish War: Near the Mediterranean island of Pantelleria, a convoy of English ships successfully repels a fleet of 11 Spanish and Maltese galleys;
  • (1793) French Revolution: On July 13, Charlotte Corday, Catholic and monarchist, kills the revolutionary murderer JeanPaul Marat while he is lying in the bathtub.


  • (1640) Jesuit: Because they decided to follow the Pope’s directives in favor of the freedom of the indigenous people, the religious are expelled from the Jesuit College in São Paulo;
  • (Nineteen hundred ninety) On July 13, the Children and Youth Act;
  • (2007) Beginning of the 15th edition of the Pan American Gamesin Rio de Janeiro.


  • (1878) Berlin contract: European powers are redrawing the map of the Balkans the southeastern region of the continent where, for example, Greece is located; as consequence, RomaniaMontenegro and Serbia gain independence from the Ottoman Empire.

science and technology

  • (1901) On July 13 Santos Dumont, on board one of his airships, around the Eiffel Tower; On this occasion, the Brazilian aviator met Princess Isabel;
  • (1919) The British airship R34 lands in Norfolk, England, making first return trip across the Atlantic in 182 flight hours;
  • ([1945[1945) Manhattan project: Beginning of the Trinity experiment, considered the beginning of the atomic age.
July 13th Santos Dumont (in the balloon basket) and Princess Isabel (in the middle). image | reproductive spirituality

  • (1917) In the Portuguese city of Fátima, the third of the six apparitions of the Virgin Mary to the three shepherd children.

Pop Culture

  • (1930) Opening of the first FIFA World Cupcelebrated in Uruguay;
  • (1923) On July 13, the sign of Hollywood; The marketing project was originally conceived as an advertisement for a condominium in Los Angeles.
  • July 13th is the world rock day; The date was chosen in honor of the Live Aid concert, which brought together several bands to raise funds to help fight hunger in Ethiopia.


  • (2017) Liu XiaoboChinese writer, born 1955. Liu was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his struggle against the oppression of the Chinese communist regime.

Advertisement “Freedom of expression is the foundation of human rights, the source of humanity, the mother of truth.” Liu Xiaobo.

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