1689570377 Rainy day at FEQ a quasi private show by Fletcher

Rainy day at FEQ: a quasi-private show by Fletcher – Le Journal de Québec

Rare is the opportunity to be just a few feet away from an artist who has been played more than a billion times on streaming platforms during his performance. But that’s exactly what singer Fletcher’s admirers were entitled to that evening in the Parc de la Francophonie.

Festival-goers left the Parc de la Francophonie en masse tonight after Jonathan Roy’s performance. Probably disappointed with Patrice Michaud’s withdrawal, those who left missed a great show from whoever topped the list.

All the better for the American artist’s fans, of whom there were barely a few hundred, singing every word of every song with passion. They especially reacted when the regular Billboard charts interpreted Serial Heartbreaker.

Fletcher replaced Patrice Michaud tonight in charge of the Parc de la Francophonie.

The low attendance didn’t stop Fletcher from putting on a quality show. Alexander Caputo

The Jonathan Roy Effect

Maybe it was the sun setting calmly over the city, maybe it was his slightly bohemian style, but Jonathan Roy managed to create an atmosphere of serenity in the Parc de Francophonie crowd.

Of course, the singer behind Hate that I love you also lived up to expectations musically. He demonstrated the versatility of his offer, both with electrifying tracks like “Money” where we find more psychedelic flavors, both with the track of the same name originally sung by Pink Floyd, as well as with “Stay in bed.” and “Fuck ‘ which flirted more with the blues.

Even if the Parc de la Francophonie experienced a greater crowd during the 2023 edition of the FEQ, you could feel that the spectators present were not just there out of curiosity. Young and old, male and female, are lulled by the former Remparts goalkeeper’s voice, particularly on the track “I Wanna Feel Love” from his latest album Life Distortions.

Of particular note is the participation of singer Kim Richardson, who took the stage on the final two songs of Jonathan Roy’s show. Her voice, which is as powerful as it is pleasing to the ear, was the icing on the cake of the song “Keeping me alive”, which ended with a high note.

Fletcher replaced Patrice Michaud tonight in charge of the Parc de la Francophonie.

Jonathan Roy was clearly the one who drew the most crowds tonight. Alexander Caputo

Dominique Fils-Aimé takes us into his musical bubble

The singer, who made a good impression at La Voix in 2015, had a subdued performance at the Parc de la Francophonie. The Montreal artist followed in the footsteps of a certain Nina Simone and presented a show full of soul and groove.

Her melodious voice and warm stage presence were beautiful, especially when she performed Birds, which has over 1.6 million streams on Spotify.

“There won’t be much pause between songs, I want us to create a musical bubble for ourselves,” she said softly to the audience at the beginning of the show.

Fletcher replaced Patrice Michaud tonight in charge of the Parc de la Francophonie.

The singer Dominique Fils-Aimé, gently, during her performance. Alexander Caputo

Radio-Canada’s Jazz Revelation in 2019 and 2020 also veered a bit on the electro side, at Grow Mama Grow, where its dynamic and sparkling side was brought to the fore.

Dominique Fils-Aimé has announced that she will be returning to Quebec in February to present her album Our Roots Run Deep, which is expected in the fall.

The 39-year-old singer was preceded on stage by Lysandre, who was not at all ashamed of her performance, even if the audience was rather shy. The one who has already signed a collaboration with Klô Pelgag was emotional behind her keyboard which made her voice even smoother.

Fletcher replaced Patrice Michaud tonight in charge of the Parc de la Francophonie.

Lysandre delivered an intense and emotional performance. Alexander Caputo