War Ukraine Russia the latest news today July 18th LIVE

War Ukraine Russia, the latest news today, July 18th. LIVE

Putin ends the wheat deal. Global concern about the humanitarian consequences. “The agreement must continue to work without Russia,” said Zelenskyy. “The use of wheat as a weapon is an insult to humanity,” says Meloni. At a meeting with the Prime Minister in Brussels, Stoltenberg underlined the “important contribution of Italy to NATO”. Moscow announces the partial resumption of vehicle traffic on the Crimean Bridge. Explosions occurred in Odessa and Mykolaiv last night, and alarms were raised in seven Ukrainian regions. Zuppi will be seen by Biden today.\n\n




· Russia, the march of the rebels without firing a shot. What happened


· Dam explosion in Ukraine: the event and its consequences. Interactive Maps


· Tactical nuclear weapons: what they are, the differences from strategic weapons, the effects


· Why Moscow invaded Ukraine, from historical reasons to tensions with NATO


· Zelensky’s story from former comedian to war president. PHOTO


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“,”postId”:”71bec256-692a-40b0-be96-b95a8bc24937″}],”posts”:[{“timestamp”:”2023-07-18T05:53:25.709Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-18 07:53:25+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Attacco a ponte Crimea, riaperto parzialmente al traffico”,”content”:”

E’ stato parzialmente riaperto al traffico il ponte di Kerch, in Crimea, colpito ieri da due esplosioni che hanno provocato due vittime. Lo ha comunicato poco dopo la mezzanotte locale il vice premier russo Marat Khusnullin, secondo cui è stata riaperta una corsia, dopo che un’ispezione iniziale delle campate \”ha confermato che le condizioni permettono il flusso del traffico\”.

\n”,”postId”:”b7c88cf6-3751-4040-afef-442090c4bd3b”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-18T05:17:41.016Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-18 07:17:41+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Respinto attacco sulla Crimea, \”abbattuti 28 droni\””,”content”:”

Respinto un attacco con droni sulla Crimea. Lo ha riferito il governatore della regione annessa dai russi, Sergei Aksenov, mentre il ministero della Difesa di Mosca ha precisato che \”le forze di difesa aera hanno abbattuto 17 aerei senza pilota, mentre 11 sono stati eliminati grazie alla guerra elettronica\”. Aksenov, assicurato che non ci sono state vittime, ha ringraziato i militari e ha chiesto ai residenti di mantenere la calma. Ieri, due persone erano morte in un attacco contro il ponte di Kerch, che unisce la Crimea al territorio russo, definito di natura \”terroristica\” dal presidente russo Vladimir Putin e attribuito da Mosca alle forze ucraine.

“,”postId”:”fb19ab75-f3e0-4151-8e60-575c2b96b856″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-18T04:40:38.113Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-18 06:40:38+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Ucraina, com’è cambiato il fronte dopo la controffensiva di Kiev? Mappe a confronto”,”content”:”

Prima del 24 febbraio 2022 (quando è iniziata la guerra) la Russia aveva sotto il proprio controllo 40mila chilometri quadrati, Crimea inclusa. La prima controffensiva ucraina aveva però risposto all’avanzata russa: fra settembre e ottobre Mosca ha perso almeno 12mila chilometri quadrati, sia a nord-est che nella parte meridionale. Ecco la situazione attuale nelle mappe elaborate dal think tank Usa Institite for the study of war (Isw). LEGGI QUI

“,”postId”:”f3a099b4-07b4-4e8f-b629-392d399f3586″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-18T04:39:42.456Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-18 06:39:42+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Zelensky: \”Attacchi terroristi russi non resteranno senza risposta\””,”content”:”

\”Ringrazio ognuno dei nostri soccorritori, ogni poliziotto, ogni volontario, ogni medico che salva la nostra gente dopo i bombardamenti russi. Gli attacchi terroristici di oggi nelle regioni di Sumy, Kharkiv, Donbass, Kherson e Zaporizhzhia non rimarranno certamente senza risposta da parte dei nostri soldati\”. Lo ha assicurato il presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky nel suo consueto videomessaggio serale ripreso da Ukrinform. 

“,”postId”:”9dca1289-6ea4-4762-9a0a-ddb6ee87a081″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-18T04:38:05.248Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-18 06:38:05+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Mosca, \”traffico ponte Crimea parzialmente ripreso\””,”content”:”

Il traffico veicolare sul Ponte di Crimea (Ponte di Kerch) è ripreso su una corsia in senso contrario, ha detto oggi il vicepremier russo Marat Khusnullin. \”Il movimento delle auto è ripreso in modalità inversa sulla corsia più a destra del Ponte di Crimea da Taman a Kerch\”, ha scritto Khusnullin su Telegram. 

“,”postId”:”f28a3cb5-b481-4b77-9972-05ee95b32877″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-18T04:37:30.960Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-18 06:37:30+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Berlino, \”riportare a casa bimbi deportati in Russia\””,”content”:”

Durante la riunione del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite, la ministra degli Esteri tedesca Annalena Baerbock ha esortato i paesi Onu a unire le forze per restituire i bambini rapiti dalla Russia ai loro genitori in Ucraina. \”Voglio invitare tutti voi a unire le forze con le organizzazioni internazionali, le autorità ucraine e le organizzazioni non governative per indagare sulle deportazioni dalla Russia e trovare insieme modi per riportare questi bambini a casa\”, ha detto la Baerbock citata dall’agenzia Ukrinform. Secondo il database nazionale ucraino Children of War, dal febbraio 2022 oltre 19.500 bambini sono stati rapiti dai territori occupati dai russi e deportati in altre aree controllate da Mosca o in Russia. Di questi, 385 bambini sono stati restituiti mentre migliaia rimangono dispersi. 

“,”postId”:”85da405f-bc2f-477a-8f58-4aba3fb6d281″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-18T04:31:17.344Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-18 06:31:17+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Ucraina, allarme antiaereo scattato in sette regioni”,”content”:”

L’allarme antiaereo è scattato stanotte in sette regioni ucraine, secondo quanto riportano i media locali. Le sirene stanno risuonando nelle regioni di Dnipropetrovsk, Kirovohrad, Mykolayiv, Odessa, Poltava, Kharkiv e Cherkasy. 

“,”postId”:”adf86448-84d9-4956-81ad-5ed6a4e2a9de”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-18T04:31:01.001Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-18 06:31:01+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Onu, \”almeno 9.300 i civili morti da inizio guerra\””,”content”:”

Sono circa 9.300 i civili morti dall’inizio della guerra in Ucraina, ha dichiarato il vicesegretario generale Onu per gli Affari politici Rosemary DiCarlo alla riunione del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite.   \”Secondo l’Ufficio dell’Alto commissariato dell’Onu per i diritti umani, 9.287 civili sono stati uccisi e 16.384 feriti, la maggior parte dei quali dal fuoco delle truppe russe\”, ha detto DiCarlo aggiungendo che la cifra include 537 morti e 1.117 feriti tra i bambini. La funzionaria Onu ha sottolineato che il dato si riferisce solo a morti e feriti confermati: il numero effettivo è probabilmente molto più alto. DiCarlo ha detto che lo scorso anno l’Ucraina \”è diventata il Paese con il maggior numero di bambini uccisi e mutilati\”, così come la nazione con il maggior numero di bombardamenti su scuole e ospedali.

“,”postId”:”cac8a278-b0e9-4d39-93ab-7ab159499620″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-18T04:30:35.600Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-18 06:30:35+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Usa, \”falso che le nostre armi prolunghino la guerra\””,”content”:”

Gli Stati Uniti respingono le accuse di Mosca secondo cui le forniture americane di armi a Kiev stiano prolungando il conflitto in Ucraina. Lo ha affermato l’ambasciatrice statunitense presso le Nazioni Unite, Linda Thomas-Greenfield. \”Abbiamo fornito e continueremo a fornire all’Ucraina assistenza umanitaria e di sicurezza. I nostri colleghi russi affermano che in qualche modo questa assistenza è la ragione per cui la guerra continua. Ma ancora una volta la Russia sta cercando di capovolgere la realtà\”, ha dichiarato Thomas-Greenfield. \”L’assistenza alla sicurezza, comprese le armi, che gli Stati Uniti e più di 50 altri paesi stanno fornendo è per l’autodifesa dell’Ucraina\”, ha aggiunto l’inviata americana all’Onu. 

“,”postId”:”d96b9eeb-c22b-43d2-b405-68bb41d683de”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-18T04:30:13.952Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-18 06:30:13+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Mosca chiede riunione Consiglio sicurezza Onu il 26″,”content”:”

Mosca ha chiesto una riunione del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite sull’Ucraina il 26 luglio. Lo ha reso noto il vice rappresentante permanente russo all’Onu, Dmitry Polyansky, citato dall’agenzia Tass. 

“,”postId”:”d5614017-c18a-46e0-a8b4-2bd1f1eabb14″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-18T04:29:54.873Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-18 06:29:54+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Mosca, \”rispetteremo obblighi contrattuali su grano\””,”content”:”

Mosca adempirà ai suoi obblighi contrattuali delle forniture di grano ai clienti, ha assicurato il primo vice rappresentante permanente presso le Nazioni Unite russo Dmitry Polyansky commentando la conclusione dell’accordo sull’esportazione del cereale. \”Da parte nostra, ci impegniamo ad adempiere a tutti gli obblighi contrattuali sulle forniture di grano russo ai clienti e a continuare a fornire assistenza ai bisognosi nei paesi in via di sviluppo nonostante tutti gli ostacoli\”, ha dichiarato Polyansky citato dall’agenzia Tass.

“,”postId”:”c7f0b812-3a48-47d4-be18-86d51bdac568″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-18T04:29:34.297Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-18 06:29:34+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Zelensky: \”Attacchi terroristi russi non resteranno senza risposta\””,”content”:”

Ringrazio ognuno dei nostri soccorritori, ogni poliziotto, ogni volontario, ogni medico che salva la nostra gente dopo i bombardamenti russi. Gli attacchi terroristici di oggi nelle regioni di Sumy, Kharkiv, Donbass, Kherson e Zaporizhzhia non rimarranno certamente senza risposta da parte dei nostri soldati\”. Lo ha assicurato il presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky nel suo consueto videomessaggio serale ripreso da Ukrinform.

“,”postId”:”98cbf657-c373-47c5-9822-0e9c8b14295b”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-18T04:29:19.280Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-18 06:29:19+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Attacco al ponte in Crimea, le immagini dei danni alla struttura. VIDEO”,”content”:”

È di almeno due persone morte il bilancio delle vittime delle esplosioni avvenute nella notte sul Ponte di Crimea. Si registra anche un ferito. Una delle campate della struttura è rollata e un’altra è rimasta danneggiata. L’entità complessiva dei danni causati, comunque, è ancora da verificare. Poco dopo l’attacco, diversi video hanno iniziato a circolare sui social con le immagini dei danni al ponte.

“,”postId”:”ae27ef3b-6a6f-4151-bfb1-f5bdb19ebc21″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-18T04:28:47.656Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-18 06:28:47+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Guerra Russia-Ucraina, scaduto l’accordo sul grano. Mosca dice no alla proroga”,”content”:”

La Russia si è detta contraria all’estensione dell’intesa fino a quando non \”saranno soddisfatte tutte le condizioni\”. Nei giorni scorsi Putin ha sostenuto che la parte dell’accordo riguardante Mosca non è stata attuata. Portavoce Cremlino: \”Accordi del Mar Nero hanno cessato di essere validi oggi\”. Decisione notificata a Turchia, Ucraina, Onu. Condanna dell’Ue. Erdogan: \”Credo che Putin voglia che questo ponte umanitario continui\”. L’intesa è considerata cruciale per scongiurare una crisi alimentare mondiale,

“,”postId”:”56440d8b-4a82-45a7-81f1-c634ae016717″}]}” query='{“live”:true,”configurationName”: “LIVEBLOG_CONTAINER_WIDGET”, “liveblogId”: “6b1e9ab5-e454-483b-8ece-557b97f1da0d”, “tenant”: “tg24”, “page”:1} ‘>

Putin ends the wheat deal. Global concern about the humanitarian consequences. “The agreement must continue to work without Russia,” said Zelenskyy. “The use of wheat as a weapon is an insult to humanity,” says Meloni. At a meeting with the Prime Minister in Brussels, Stoltenberg underlined the “important contribution of Italy to NATO”. Moscow announces the partial resumption of vehicle traffic on the Crimean Bridge. Explosions occurred in Odessa and Mykolaiv last night, and alarms were raised in seven Ukrainian regions. Zuppi will be received by Biden today.


· Russia, the march of the rebels without firing a shot. What happened

· Dam explosion in Ukraine: the event and its consequences. Interactive Maps

· Tactical nuclear weapons: what they are, the differences from strategic weapons, the effects

· Why Moscow invaded Ukraine, from historical reasons to tensions with NATO

· Zelensky’s story from former comedian to war president. PHOTO

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less than a minute ago

Attack on Crimean Bridge, partially reopened to traffic

The Kerch Bridge in Crimea has been partially reopened to traffic after two explosions hit it yesterday, killing two people. This was announced by Russian Deputy Prime Minister Marat Chusnullin shortly after midnight local time, after which one lane had been reopened after an initial inspection of the bays “confirmed that conditions would allow traffic to flow”.

36 minutes ago

Attack on Crimea rejected, “28 drones shot down”

Repelled a drone attack on Crimea. This was announced by the governor of the region annexed by the Russians, Sergei Aksenov, while the Moscow Ministry of Defense stated that “air defense forces shot down 17 unmanned aerial vehicles and eliminated 11 by electronic warfare”. Aksenov assured that there were no injuries, thanked the military and urged residents to remain calm. Two people were killed yesterday in an attack on the Kerch Bridge, which connects Crimea to Russian territory. Russian President Vladimir Putin called the attack “terrorist” and Moscow blamed it on Ukrainian forces.


Ukraine, how did the frontline change after the counteroffensive in Kiev? Compare maps

Before February 24, 2022 (when the war started), Russia controlled 40,000 square kilometers, including Crimea. However, the first Ukrainian counteroffensive had reacted to the Russian advance: Between September and October, Moscow lost at least 12,000 square kilometers in both the northeast and the south. Here is the current situation in the maps from the US think tank Institute for the Study of War (ISW). READ HERE


Zelenskyy: “Russian terrorist attacks will not go unanswered”

“Thank you to every one of our rescuers, every police officer, every volunteer, every doctor who saves our people after the Russian bombing. Today’s terrorist attacks in the Sumy, Kharkiv, Donbass, Kherson and Zaporizhia regions will certainly not go unanswered by our soldiers.” ” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy assured this in his usual evening video message recorded by Ukrinform.


Moscow: “Traffic on the Crimean Bridge has partially resumed”

Vehicle traffic on the Crimean Bridge (Kerch Bridge) has resumed in the oncoming lane, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Marat Chusnullin said today. “The movement of cars was filmed in reverse mode on the rightmost lane of the Crimean bridge from Taman to Kerch,” Khusnullin wrote in Telegram.


Berlin, “bring children deported to Russia home”

During the session of the United Nations Security Council, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock called on UN countries to join forces to return children kidnapped by Russia to their parents in Ukraine. “I would like to invite you all to join forces with international organizations, Ukrainian authorities and non-governmental organizations to investigate the deportations from Russia and find ways together to bring these children back to their homes,” Baerbock said, according to Ukrinform news agency. Since February 2022, more than 19,500 children have been abducted from Russian-occupied territories and deported to other Moscow-controlled areas or to Russia, according to Ukraine’s national Children of War database. Of these, 385 children were returned and thousands remain missing.


Air raid alerts have been sounded in seven regions of Ukraine

According to local media reports, air alerts were sounded in seven Ukrainian regions tonight. Sirens are wailing in the regions of Dnipropetrovsk, Kirovohrad, Mykolaiv, Odessa, Poltava, Kharkiv and Cherkasy.


UN, ‘At least 9,300 civilians have died since war began’

About 9,300 civilians have died in Ukraine since the start of the war, UN Deputy Secretary-General for Political Affairs Rosemary DiCarlo said at a UN Security Council meeting. “According to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, 9,287 civilians were killed and 16,384 injured, most of them from shelling by Russian troops,” DiCarlo said, adding that the figure includes 537 dead and 1,117 injured among children. The UN official stressed that the data only referred to confirmed deaths and injuries; the real number is probably much higher. DiCarlo said Ukraine became “the country with the most children killed and maimed” and the country with the most bombings of schools and hospitals last year.


USA: “It is wrong that our weapons prolong the war”

The US rejects allegations by Moscow that American arms deliveries to Kiev would prolong the conflict in Ukraine. This was stated by the US Ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield. “We have provided humanitarian and security assistance to Ukraine and will continue to do so. Our Russian colleagues say that this help is somehow the reason the war is going on. But Russia is again trying to turn reality on its head,” said Thomas-Greenfield. “The security assistance, including arms, provided by the United States and more than 50 other countries is for Ukraine’s self-defense,” the US envoy added.


Moscow is calling for a UN Security Council meeting on June 26

Moscow has called a UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine for July 26. This was announced by Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations Dmitry Polyansky, citing the TASS agency.


Moscow: “We will honor treaty commitments related to wheat”

Moscow will fulfill its contractual obligations to supply grain to customers, Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dmitry Polyansky assured in his commentary on the conclusion of the grain export agreement. “For our part, we strive to fulfill all contractual obligations to supply Russian grain to customers and, despite all the obstacles, continue to provide assistance to those in need in developing countries,” Polyansky said, according to the TASS news agency.


Zelenskyy: “Russian terrorist attacks will not go unanswered”

I thank every one of our rescuers, every policeman, every volunteer, every doctor who saves our people after the Russian bombing. Today’s terrorist attacks in the Sumy, Kharkiv, Donbass, Kherson and Zaporizhia regions will certainly not pass without reaction from our soldiers,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy assured in his usual evening video message from Ukrinform.


Attack on the bridge in Crimea, pictures of damage to the structure. VIDEO

The death toll from the explosions that occurred overnight on the Crimean bridge is at least two people. There is also an injured person. One of the structure’s spans rolled and another was damaged. However, the overall extent of the damage inflicted has yet to be verified. Shortly after the attack, several videos showing the damage to the bridge circulated on social media.


Russia-Ukraine war, the grain deal has expired. Moscow rejects the extension

Russia has said it is opposed to extending the deal until “all conditions are met”. Putin has claimed in recent days that the part of the deal that affects Moscow has not been implemented. Kremlin spokesman: “Black Sea agreements have lost their validity today.” Decision will be communicated to Turkey, Ukraine and the United Nations. condemnation of the EU. Erdogan: “I think Putin wants this humanitarian bridge to continue.” The agreement is seen as crucial to averting a global food crisis.